Indicating that, just like the 4perp indicates, Stevie was alive the longest. Ok, now kiss. Terry is an absolute sadist, psychopath and was never properly investigated, and I know The Hobbs Family Secret is true, possibly The Puzzle. She yelled for him to get out of her home. Or, who were free to murder the victims from 7:00- 8:00pm that night. David Jacoby claims that Terry showed up and the two played guitar for an hour, which also doesnt add up when you know all the details. I believe that Terry intended to further molest and/or harm me because his actions and demeanor indicated that was his goal, but I believe my continued yelling and screaming alarmed him and caused him to run off. Or alone at night with people swarming the area. VICKIE: HE STAYED. I met Terry Hobbs through a mutual friend, Roy Taylor. The bathroom window over my tub was partially open and my yelling could be heard outside. VICKIE: SO THEN UM, II JUST GOT AARON OUT OF THERE BECAUSE YOU KNOW. He was called a 'baby killer.' RIDGE: ALRIGHT, WHEN YOU SAW THESE FIVE OUT THERE IN THE WOODS AND THEY WERE DOING THESE THINGS THAT WERE BAD OKAY WAS THIS AT DAYTIME OR WAS IT NIGHTTIME? ! Retired FBI profiler, John Douglas, as well as profiler Brent Turvey both believed the entire attack was punitive in nature and that the perpetrator was teaching the boys a lesson for either a real or percieved transgression. (Another theory is that the injury to Stevies penis came from oral sex. After his alleged attack on Chris, the beating of the boys continued. It isnt difficult to assume that Terry was told by his parents for most of his life that homosexuals were sinners who were going to hell. By 7:05 the three boys may have been spotted by Terry or one of the others. Catch them! When the teens brought the boys back, one of them kicked Hobbs which sent him into a rage. The reason for this is that is that there is an abundance of evidence that shows the three are innocent and at the same time, there is some circumstantial evidence that shows they may be guilty. And that is extremely significant. VICKIE: SO THEN UM, II JUST GOT AARON OUT OF THERE BECAUSE YOU KNOW. I allege that all three men returned to Terrys home and cleaned themselves up, which most likely involved washing mud off their shoes. This means that by the time the four men would have attacked, stripped and tied up the boys, it would have only been somewhere around 7:30 at night. He continued to say that it was known in the drug world that Terry was gay or bisexual and that he preferred sex with young boys. But again, why would turtles only be drawn to the left side of Stevies face and none of the other boys faces? Problem is, many of the things he says about him are also true for the WM3, at least Damien. The three little boys referenced in the declarations were found brutally murdered in West Memphis, Arkansas in 1993. For me Hobbs did it. Its been so long ago you know it may not be in the right order but I know he did come over around 5:30/6 oclock and we played the guitar for a while and then he said he had to go. This is all supported by Mark Byers testimony. But the deeper I dug, the more I realized that not only was there no evidence to discredit that these four men committed this murder, all the known evidence supports the notion that they actually did do it. Had LG engaged in sexual activity with Hobbs and Jacoby prior to this day? As I mentioned previously, this statement is an enormous indicator of truth, in my opinion. I personally believe that this boy was Michael Moore. A rather uncommon knot for a regular person but a very common knot for a former butcher or farmer. This not only puts Buddy in Lakeshore at the possible time that Terry Hobbs and David Jacoby could have shown up, but it shows that his whereabouts were unknown at the time the murder occurred. The day after the boys went missing before they were even found, Michael Moore's parents asked Aaron's mother, Vickie Hutchinson, if Aaron could be removed from school to help find the boys. Michael, being the first one attacked, was hit so violently and with such anger, that he was almost immediately rendered unconscious. In addition to the Ballard sighting, there is more evidence that supports the boys were with Terry around 5pm. and our Terry Hobbs was reported missing from Kinard on April 20, but his family said the last time anyone. Not until it was learned that Terry was using Jacoby as an alibi and that a hair that was found at the crime scene turned out to be consistent with Davids DNA. Even the autopsy report shows that. According to Terrys ex wife, Terry Hobbs first wife had claimed in their divorce papers that he molested their son. HE TOLD THE REST OF THE MEN TO HOLD THEM OR SOMETHING AND PROBABLY DID IT. Terry knew that Stevie was with Michael Moore. If the boys had their bicycles with them, which I believe is very likely, that means Stevie and Michael would have been quickly caught whereas Chris, who had no bicycle to push, would have gotten caught a bit farther away. Ok, pull down his pants, etc. Where do you get all this from? AND UH, HE SAID AFTER WE HAD LEFT THE MOORES COMING OUT OF THEIR DOOR HE TOLD ME MAMA LETS GO TO THE CLUB HOUSE. ~Even Peretti agrees that Chris had post mortem wounds in his groin area as well as pre mortem. I dont feel it was an actualclubhouse. And someone like that can lie and lie and lie and lie, rigfht to your fuckin' face,because narcissism is about protecting the self-myth. Whats more suspicious, is that Buddy originally told police that he was with his family barbecuing on the 5th but when his mother spoke to Fogelman, she never mentions anything about Buddy being home with her that night. The photo on the left is Stevies bitemark and the photos on the right are other known bitemarks. Two of the childrens clothes were found inside out, implying that they were very quickly ripped off, and most likely ripped off of boys who were still moving. 3:15 Michael Moore shows up and asks if he and Stevie can ride bikes together. The new documents. Further, I have another theory why the crime scene appeared so clean. Really?? I learned through my connection in the drug-trade that Mr. Hobbs preferred sexwith young boys. Damien Wayne Echols: DNA testing contradicted false confession This is when Jamie would have remembered seeing Terry out on the sidewalk calling the boys home just as they would have shot out onto the street from her house. Hobbs was calling loudly at the children and ordering them to return to his house. The group also stated that Echols submitted a FOIA request over 18 months ago, but the request went unanswered, which is a violation of Arkansas state law. Echols ultimately ended filing a lawsuit against the police department. Left: Buddy Lucas Right: LG Hollingsworth. In other words, a bite on Stevies face would likely mean that his perpetrator was a parent or step-parent. Terry Hobbs | West Memphis 3 murders Wiki | Fandom The West Memphis Three case has been an unfinished puzzle for over twenty years, but if you go back through the years and find all the little pieces and begin to put them together, I believe that you will have your answers about what happened that night; the puzzle is complete and it is undeniable. I am not scared of that boy. 9pm by his aunt, and lastly, remember the very obvious lie Narlene made, and even convinced her two children to make,on the standabout seeing Damien and Domini on the service road.. What that may mean is that the last known place that LG was seen was Lakeshore Trailerpark. Furthermore, it is highly unlikely that anyone other than Terry Hobbs and David Jacoby committed this crime and Ill briefly explain why. But if Chris was merely bitten and stabbed, and did not actually have his penis or scrotum cut off, as was once believed, this would have provided an injury severe enough to have killed him (ie: bled out) while also allowing turtles and attracting turtles, in fact, to make the final injury after death. RIDGE OKAY, SO WHEN BUDDY TELLS US THAT HE BELIEVES THAT THE DATE ON THE 5TH THAT HE WENT OVER THERE WITH YOU, HE DID GO OVER THERE WITH YOU, BUT IT WASNT ON THAT DATE? I rewatched the paradise lost docs and in the last one, just before the murders, Pam had "kissed a Mexican" and Terry said that years later when he brought on the lawsuit with Natalie Maines. I dont know what L. G. is capable of, and I am not saying that he would do it, and I am not saying that he wouldnt, but I know Damian. It puts all questions to rest. What this means, is that the injuries to Stevies penis may have been the result of an abuser repeatedly preforming oral sex on him. The type of DNA testing utilized pertains to mtDNA. This is so hugely significant and yet lost on so many. He believed that one of the men told the others what to do, because they always did what he said. After he removed his clothes, he ripped out one shoelace from Michaels shoe and cut it in half with his knife. He had LG and Buddy rip off the clothes of the boys and then pulled out a knife and began to bite and stab the scrotum of one boy. Another indicator that points to Terrys guilt and the truth in the alleged Buddy/LG statements, lies with what was discovered on Michael Moores body. The truth of what really occurred on May 5th, 1993 has not been completely solved and no suspects have been arrested. That 1 cop cannot be subjected to the stigma of liking dick. Due to the possibility that they wiped these items on their skin, I believe Terry would have taken those items with them when they left. VERY intriguing. He claimed that along with his cousin Rex Heath, he gave Jessies dad the barbecued chicken and went home. I believe he intended to terrify and threaten them so they would never, ever speak of what they had seen. The Hobbses are the mother and stepfather of Steve Branch, who. Within a week of that delivery, I also delivered marijuana, cocaine, and crystal meth to Mr. Hobbs in Memphis, Tennessee, on Madison Avenue at a gay bar called J-Wags. I think those questions have easy answers. When you realize that Michaels body was found by the tree and not by where he was placed on the bank, you conclude two things. Essentially, the statements made by Dr. Perretti are not much different than if Pam took her son to a doctor, had him examined and was then told by the doctor that Stevie had injuries related to sexual abuse. He actually was able to get his friend and aunt to lie for him in order to protect him. There is more evidence, also, that LG never went home that afternoon. Anyone who has owned a dog, knows how dogs will lick blood clean in a matter of minutes. He also confirmed that one of the teens, Buddy Lucas, had admitted to his involvement in the murders with the other three men. They would watch the men as they smoked marijuana and engaged in sexual activity. (Charlotte Bly interview). Shortly after this, Terry Hobbs noticed that the three boys were spying on the men. For one, Michael was tied up with a shoelace that had been cut. was terry hobbs ever found. I agree with that assessment but believe there were additional reasons. I just find it amazing that she let this slip out and the police never even caught on. The kick, along with the humiliation of being spied on, would have made Terry snap because he did not stand for any kind of disobedience. When he was finished with that, I believe he then turned to Stevie. In Terry Hobbs daughters own diary she talks about having dreams about having sex with her dad and that she is sure that he didnt molest her from age 15 years old to 19. West Memphis Three: New possible suspects named in the brutal 1993 West I have recently taken a huge interest in this case, and found that there is misinformation literally everywhere. Turtles would be most attracted to areas that were soft and already leeching blood, according to experts and that is why it appears as though Chris groin had both stab wounds before death and animal predation wounds after death. While searching through the evidence, their lawyer and private investigator found a letter written to prosecutor, Scott Ellington in February 2012. We know that the boys clubhouse was right next to a pile of 2x4s which again supports the notion that the boys were discovered right by their clubhouse.). Additionally, they would have focused on someone who lived in West Memphis and knew the Blue Beacon Woods well. Its when you combine all the known evidence, much of the debate and the different positions, it all leads here, to this. He ends up staying and watching TV with Amanda. Upon the delivery, I saw Mr. Hobbs holding hands with the same man who he was at my house with on May 5, 1993. Terry Hobbs, the stepfather of another one of the murdered boys. VICKIE: UM, JUST SOME BOARDS, LOOKED LIKE SOME ONE HAD LIKE MADE A DEER STAND, A LONG TIME AGO OR SOMETHING AND JUST SOME BOARDS AND THEY KINDA HAD YOU KNOW LIKE A FORT. Occult shit is my best guess at this point. He did not tell me who he was calling, and he did not tell me that Stevie was missing, Pamela previously told investigators. May 1993. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. This is supported by evidence as well. In the south in the 90s, the community of dick-havers who are into dick will come from all walks of life and have all sorts of jobs. Especially considering that they are remembering this event 18 years later for one, and for two, there were multiple sightings of the boys from 6pm-6:30 on the street beside the woods, quite a ways away from the Hobbs home, as well as the woods themselves. I think we have the answer now; Stevie and Chris appeared to have been tortured because they were the ones who were conscious. He noted that his son spent a lot of time in the home of Terry Hobbs and could easily have picked up the hair (with DNA matching that of Terry Hobbs) found in his shoelaces on one of those occasions. Chris was only spotted on a skateboard up until 6pm. When Narlene was interviewed she claimed to have dropped LG off at his home. Hobbs, who dropped Pamela off at work at around 4:30 p.m., picked her up at approximately 9 p.m. and walked straight to a payphone to report the boy missing. Despite this evidence, no charges have ever been brought against Hobbs, who still firmly believes that Echols, Baldwin, and Misskelley are guilty of the . Whats peculiar is that Michael Moore was somewhat further away from Stevie and Chris, and that the location of the bodies was actually around 20 feet south of the suspected murder location. This is the time when, according to Billy Stewart, he believes something sexual might have taken place between all or some of the four men. That hair was then secured to Michaels body as Terry tied him up. The hearing was to allow the victim's . that was a red flag to me, alright. He then told the others that all three had to die for what they had seen. I learned about this case 3 years ago. Now newly released evidence implicating Terry Hobbs has Pam Hobbs raising her own doubts about the man she once trusted. 6:00-6:30. THE MEN SEEN THEM. You really would need magic to pull it off. I understood that Terry had not previously called the police to report that Stevie was missing.. ! Retired FBI profiler, John Douglas, as well as profiler Brent Turvey both believed the entire attack was punitive in nature and that the perpetrator was teaching the boys a lesson for either a real or percieved transgression., However, I do believe the women saw the three boys and that they also saw them with Terry Hobbs; they testified under oath and under penalty of perjury and they are credible sources. As the men submerged the boys, I believe the two teens took the bicycles to the bayou where they dumped them on the north side of the pipe bridge. Hobbs may be awful, but nothing accounts for the beating and drowning that took place. How could she be so off in her description of what they wore and what they looked like, if she truly did see them? She hasnt seen him or Michael by this point. The most significant of them all, was the specific act of taking the bikes to the bayou, which were very likely with the children inside the Blue Beacon Woods. I also believe that at some point during the attack, Stevie was hit on his leg by the edge/side of the board, and also possibly in his face, which I will discuss in a moment. This is the reason why David remembers the three playing; two on bicycles and one on a skateboard. CHRISTY, I WAS TALKING TO A GIRL NAMED CHRISTY AND SHE TOLD ME THAT SHE THOUGHT THEY HAD FOUND ONE OF THE BODIES. RIDGE: OKAY, ALRIGHT. This is a big deal. Why was he lying? AND HE SAID BECAUSE WE WERE SCARED, AND THEY WERE SCARED I GUESS OF GETTING CAUGHT THEN AND AH HE SAID MICHAEL KEPT TELLING ME THAT IT WAS AN INDIAN THING THEY WERE SUPPOSED TO DO AND CHRIS SAID NO THEIR GETTING READY TO HAVE SEX. I think you're on to something here. SIDEWAYS AND WE GOT IN OUR CLUB HOUSE. I allege that Terry tied up one side of Stevie and then told either Buddy or LG to finish doing the other side. JMB is a freaking nut but I think he loved Michelle so much that when Chris died, she did, too. I dont believe when Terry first saw them that he intended to kill them. That means that Chris would have not fought back much because after being stabbed, he probably would have been very weak. Back to the timeline. If the cop is a nobody, it's marginally tougher, but still doable. He said, well dont you put yourself in that kind of trouble. When police were searching for the boys on the fifth, they were not inspecting a crime scene, they were simply trying to find three boys. I believe that when LG asked to be dropped off at home Terry refused. Square knots are used by farmers to subdue hogs because the more they struggle, the tighter the knot becomes. New evidence points to new suspects in West Memphis 3 case - Action News 5 Friday, January 20th 2012. Timeline: 2;30 Pam Hicks, Stevie and Amanda walk home from school. 6 Q. In this letter, a man named Bennie Guy revealed that in 1994, two teens, Buddy Lucas and LG Hollingsworth had confessed to him that they had been involved in the murders with two other men, Terry Hobbs, stepfather to one of the murdered boys and David Jacoby, friend of Terry Hobbs. The day after the boys went missing before they were even found, Michael Moore's parents asked Aaron's mother, Vickie Hutchinson, if Aaron could be removed from school to help find the boys. -5:00 Terry Hobbs drops Pam off at work and returns home What happened next is a theory supported by evidence and interviews. I wonder if Michael and Chris knew that one of the men was Stevies stepdad and that is the reason they never told Stevie what they saw in those woods. THAT THE FIVE MAN MAY HAVE CAUGHT THEM? Before I further explain and explore all the evidence that points to Terry Hobbs, David Jacoby, LG Hollingsworth, and Buddy Lucas being the perpetrators of this murder, I would like to reiterate something: there is almost no possibility that one person could have committed this murder alone in the timeframe it occurred. In recent years its been discovered that someones DNA was on Stevies penis. JMB really did love them even though he had a temper and did admit to corporal punishment. My question is this: If you are of the opinion that the WM3 are guilty, how can you be sure? He has dead eyes. RIDGE: ALRIGHT, WHEN YOU SAW THESE FIVE OUT THERE IN THE WOODS AND THEY WERE DOING THESE THINGS THAT WERE BAD OKAY WAS THIS AT DAYTIME OR WAS IT NIGHTTIME?AARON: IT WAS BOTHRIDGE: IT WAS EARLY IN THE MORNING OR LATE AT NIGHT OR LATE IN THE EVENING?AARON: IT WAS, WHEN EVER WE GOT OUT OF SCHOOL WE WENT THERE ABOUT FOURRIDGE: OKAYAARON: AND THEY NEVER GOT THERE BEFORE WE DIDRIDGE: YOU WERE ALWAYS THERE FIRST. And finally, if Terry claims he never saw Stevie that day (despite statements from Jacoby, Jamie Ballard and her sister and mother) there is one extremely significant question Terry has to answer: why did Stevie have partially digested vegetables in his stomach? In part, I blame paradise lost for the graphic images. LITTLE ROCK The defense team for the West Memphis Three says it's has new evidence against the step father for one of the three victims, Terry Hobbs.
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