However, these types of practices are common and it's important to get information about them from a credible resource. HH, Marsh RK. 15th ed. Select appropriate resources for a specific information request. The quantity of medical information and medical literature available is growing at an astounding rate. 3. This covers the clinical application of pharmacokinetics and also addresses the impact of pharmacogenetics on drug metabolism. Drug information center was never used by the majority (, 70.8%) of respondents, Figure 1. Find the latest science-based information about drug use, health, and the developing brain. Appendix 32 provides a listing of core holdings for a college of pharmacy assembled by the AACP.10 While this list may be more extensive than what is required in most practice settings, it does provide a core listing of journals. Please try again later or contact an administrator at Some information is provided about common herbal products as well as diagnostic agents, radioactive pharmaceuticals, and some veterinary products. Drug Information Services Clinical Pharmacist Role in Drug Information Services And Medication Errors Management At Tertiary Care Hospital Authors: Dr. Kandavalli Sridevi Meda VENKATA. AS, March The American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) has a wealth of information for pharmacists and veterinarians alike ( Describe appropriate search strategy for use with electronic databases. Koda-Kimble . Drugs in pregnancy and lactation: a reference guide to fetal and neonatal risk. There is discussion of social issues impacting pharmacy as well as information about the basics of pharmaceutics, manufacturing, pharmacodynamics, nuclear pharmacy, and medicinal chemistry. Handbook of nonprescription drugs. WA, DiScala 7. PubMed. Drug Information Resources Search for Guidelines AMA Style Guide How to Connect to Library Resources Drug Resources Chart Online Resources for finding Primary Literature Online Resources for Tertiary Information AccessPharmacy AccessMedicine DailyMed Tertiary Resources Drug Information Textbook Medicine Textbooks Monograph Book Pharmacy Textbooks It also contains a listing of public health hoaxes. 17th ed. Health Promotion Program Resources Q & A's There is also a pocket-sized handbook designed to accompany the text. Available from: Clinical Reference Library [Internet]. Pharmaceutical Press, This resource includes information on a variety of domestic and international drugs. Many texts are now being combined into electronic packages, for example, the McGraw-Hill Professional product AccessPharmacy ( While the resource focuses on treatment of disease states and development of a therapeutic plan, sections regarding pathophysiology and clinical presentation are also provided. JM, Holstad Drs. DJ Exotic animal formulary. 0 Disclaimer: These citations have been automatically generated based on the information we have and it may not be 100% accurate. Therapeutic Research Faculty, This resource is organized by imprint codes and provides identification of drugs based on those codes. Taketomo North American Compendiums, This online reference is similar to the human PDR in terms of information provided and format. . Laboratory tests and diagnostic procedures. However, some databases may not recognize the term adolescent and instead use the term pediatric or child. It is also possible that information in a tertiary text may be incomplete, due to either space limitations of the resource or incomplete literature searches by the author. There are also resources to support owners of diabetic animals. WW. Is information supported by appropriate citations? Wiley-Blackwell, This textbook provides comprehensive information on the basic and applied principles of veterinary pharmacology and therapeutics. Information is provided about federal and state regulation of product development, dispensing, and development.,,,,,,, Krinsky Discussion of compounding techniques, pharmacy calculations, and explanations of additives used in compounding is very useful. Information about individual state pharmacy law is best obtained through the individual state boards of pharmacy. Primary literature often provides the most recent and in-depth information about a topic and allows the reader to analyze and critique the study methodology to determine if the conclusions are valid (see Chapters 4 and 5 for more information on critiquing the primary literature). JE. Also, the name of the disease state, attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder, has changed over time, so it may be necessary to use other terms, such as attention deficit disorder. A Drug information center is an area where pharmacists(or other health care professionals) specialise in providing information . If your institution subscribes to this resource, and you don't have a MyAccess Profile, please contact your library's reference desk for information on how to gain access to this resource from off-campus. KM. Drug information resources 1. Drug Scheduling Learn about the categories used to classify drugs depending on their medical use and their potential for abuse. AJ. What is your strategy to find the meaning and relevance of this term? Hansten and Horns Drug Interaction Analysis and Management. This resource is available for the intranet, as well as via CD-ROM and the Internet. Drug Information Resources Tertiary Resources Secondary Resources Primary Resources Slide 3 Tertiary Resources They include: Textbooks Compendia Review articles Other general information such as may be found on the internet first-line resources when dealing with a drug information question. Also, limited information about stability is available. Patient education information is available in English and Spanish. Figures and tables are frequently used to illustrate difficult material. Information is primarily provided in the form of charts and tables, making finding information relatively quick. View Drug Poster Project.doc from FIN 5084 at Virginia Tech. It is available in text and electronic formats. MD, McClowskey We provide pptx file download or online edit. Pharmacotherapy: a Pathophysiologic Approach. Information is organized by disease state and color-coded to speed usage. For this assignment, you will select a drug from the list below and create a PowerPoint Presentation. Center for Veterinary Medicine (CVM) updates are available that detail the prohibited use of drugs in certain animal populations. +Y@j%qI"R{oT$"Ia}M1c{dA-|BcpvXrT>onu4d4pRV4N=84=>0l1]i]}0V0NrifOOfvZ+VQgv7NUob(e:VpYc9|+Ejrbc+.ZbhGVhY'Vz`gF69hd3ZUY"%tfs"w!\D.C#%eur8Uf7~`6rI:w;p tj]C New York: McGraw- Hill; 2011. This resource is also available online as a free resource at, and mobile device version. The focus of the resource is to provide a correlation between principles of pharmacology and contemporary clinical practice. KA, Polen The full-text electronic version is available for free online at The mother has recently been prescribed levofloxacin for treatment of an infection. 5th ed. Chapter 4: Drug Literature Evaluation I: Controlled Clinical Trial Evaluation. LexisNexis Academic & Library Solutions, This indexing and abstracting service provides coverage of a variety of types of information, including medical, legal, and business news. DL, Jameson Consumers may also benefit from some text resources available at a local library. AF. SP, Hume YJ. The database includes articles on veterinary disease states and preventative medicine. The Basic Resources for Pharmacy Education listing distributed by the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP)1 was utilized in selecting the resources described in this chapter; additional commonly used resources in drug information2 were also included. Information is also provided about legal and technical issues in compounding practices. As databases and resources continue to modify search features, there are more Google-like search engines which allow for a natural language search. Shannon Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc., This resource provides information about drugdrug or drugfood interactions. A search using OR will return a number of results equal to or greater than a search using the term AND. Epocrates, This family of electronic resources includes both mobile and online products. This lets many practitioners access information from a variety of physical locations rather than being restricted to only medical libraries or drug information centers. Boca Raton (FL): CRC; 2007. This reference is also available online and for mobile devices. Gold Standard, This electronic database contains monographs of prescription and nonprescription products as well as some dietary supplements. Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, This resource is considered one of the most useful references for extra-label drug dosages, indications, and specific drug information on human and veterinary labeled pharmaceuticals. If being asked to recommend a source of online information for a patient, one can confidently recommend health care organizations or disease societies, both of which usually provide helpful, high-quality disease-specific information geared for the average consumer. 6th ed. J Manag Care Pharm. RJ. Bethesda (MD): American Society of Health-System Pharmacists; 2012. It is impossible to compile a comprehensive list of tertiary resources that are useful in all areas of pharmacy practice. Information is presented in the form of cases with follow-up discussion. You have an appointment to discuss compounding services with a local veterinarian. TP, Beizer Please review before submitting. McGraw-Hill Professional Medical Publishing, This resource is designed to serve as a textbook rather than a quick resource for toxicology information. If a question involves, for example, a recent news story reporting the removal of a medication from the market, a logical first place to find initial information would be to identify the original news story. Understanding where to access information is only the first step in the provision of quality drug information. LY, Kradjan This resource is also available for mobile devices. Philadelphia (PA): Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2013. This site mirrors the information on their gopher server. 6th ed. LA. Aronoff BIOSIS also covers abstracts from conferences relating to basic sciences. For some requests, it may be necessary to consult news reports or Internet sites to get background information before beginning the searching process. St. Louis (MO): Wolters Kluwer Health; 2003 [cited 1 Mar 2013]. For these reasons readers must judge the quality of tertiary references and may need to verify the information in multiple sources. Evaluation of core and supplemental drug information databases for the Palm OS and Pocket PC. RR. Work on the task that is attractive to you I enjoy working on tasks that are attractive to me. Drug Information Resources. L, Schafer Clauson Patent information, manufacturer lists, indications, approval numbers, general drug information, code of regulations, and trade/generic names are just a few pieces of information that can be gathered from this Web site. The Web site,, focuses on animal toxicology and safety and is the premier resource for pharmacists in a community setting who may receive poisoning questions about animals. DS. hb```4fFk``a`b#M Textbook of Veterinary Internal Medicine. SG. Saunders, This text is available in print, CD-ROM, mobile device, and Internet ( formats. Talk to Frank for facts, support and advice on drugs and alcohol today. One or more of your email addresses are invalid. The operator NOT would be helpful if a user wants to exclude certain topics, for example, a specific disease state. Is it safe for her to continue breast-feeding during this therapy? 7th ed. Additionally, information such as National Drug Code (NDC) numbers, routes of administration, dosage form, size, and strength are included. JS, Brier Drug information is current , critically examined, relevant data about drugs and drug use in a given patient or situation. Various systems index or abstract literature from different journals, meetings, or publications; therefore, in order to perform a comprehensive search multiple databases must be used. CC, Berger Ann Pharmacother. At times even well-designed searches of standard medical literature do not yield sufficient information to make clinical decisions or recommendations. This is available in loose-leaf, bound, online, and mobile device formats. Hudson (NY): Lexi-Comp; 2012. PNG. Documentation of medication information requests 1.Date and time received. 5th ed. This database covers material similar to that covered by MEDLINE, but with greater coverage of international publications. Lowry Medications and mothers milk 2012. Slide 4 DL, Hauser Clinical pharmacology [Internet]. In general, it should be noted that some of the utility of mobile device apps is the ability to embed links to additional content and resources. Animal literature is provided in cases where human literature is lacking. endstream endobj startxref Generally, the best method to find drug-related information includes a stepwise approach moving first through: -Tertiary References then - Secondary References and finally - Primary References Often, search for DI may not require the use of all three types of resources. BJ. Understanding where to access information is only the first step in the provision of quality drug information. G, Faingold Home; Drugs A-Z; News; Help and advice. Students and young practitioners may find the sample cases especially helpful. Multiple interactive tools are available to assess for drugdrug/food/supplement interactions, incompatibilities, and pharmacokinetic adjustments. For example, when looking for treatment recommendations for management of irritable bowel syndrome it might be appropriate to contact the International Foundation for Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders ( to obtain information about current practice standards as well as possible emerging therapies. Shepard Remington: the science and practice of pharmacy. Additionally, primary literature tends to be more recent than tertiary or secondary literature. In addition to the original PDR, there are a variety of focused editions, including the PDRfor Herbal Medicines, PDRfor Nutritional Supplements, PDRfor Ophthalmic Medicines, PDRfor Nonprescription Drugs. The text also has accompanying mobile device downloads and Internet updates. This resource is most useful when looking for information about oncology therapies or quality of life issues. This section also contains information about common side effects and dosage forms available. Electronically available tertiary resources have helped this situation; however, the requirement for information to be reviewed and summarized requires an inherent delay in communicating new information. Most products are oral formulations to reflect the unique needs of some pediatric patients. Therapeutic Research Faculty, This resource is available in text, online, and mobile device formats. This text is also included in the Access Pharmacy electronic subscription. The term OR might also be useful when searching for a term with synonyms, for example, attention deficit disorder OR attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. 12th ed. What resources might be good places to look for this information? Blood, urine or other lab tests are used to assess drug use, but they're not a diagnostic test for addiction. Philadelphia (PA): American College of Physicians; 2007. NG, Ansel These complete documents contain hundreds of other resources that may be useful depending on practice setting. Chapter 3: Drug Information Resources. Accessibility Montvale (NJ): Thomson Reuters Healthcare; 2011. Available from: Bing The database has added a Comparative Effectiveness Plus tool which allows access to pivotal studies, regulatory documents, and practice guidelines to compare specific medications. Your pharmacy has just begun offering these services and in the dialog the veterinarian references AMDUCA. Limited references to primary literature are provided. 8th ed. LiverTox provides up-to-date, unbiased and easily accessed information on the diagnosis, cause, frequency, clinical patterns and management of liver injury attributable to prescription and nonprescription medications and selected herbal and dietary supplements. This resource also provides information about routes of administration and commercially available strengths. Requester's name, address, method of contact (e.g., telephone), and category (e.g., health care discipline, patient, public). The resource includes a variety of topic areas including palliative care and toxicology information. The Alice! Washington, DC: US Food and Drug Administration [cited 1 Mar 2013]. hmS8A>m0R^( Some examples of tertiary resources include textbooks, compendia, review articles in journals, and other general information, such as may be found on the Internet. VSL, Epstein Some publications are available full text through this service. AS, Van Method of delivery (e.g., telephone, personal visit, mail). Indexing consists of providing bibliographic citation information (e.g., title, author, and citation of the article), while abstracting also includes a brief description (or abstract) of the information provided by the article or resource cited. In searching most databases, a user will follow a similar search strategy, with small changes to reflect differences in database systems. Indexing is done by drug- and disease-specific terms, which at times makes searching challenging. Winter Philadelphia (PA): Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2012. Textbook of therapeutics: drug and disease management. Morphine is used to treat moderate to severe pain. For example, in the earlier clonidine for the treatment of ADHD question, the appropriate search terms (clonidine AND attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder) may be used with the AND operator. W, Erush Goodman & Gilmans: The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics. MJ. Best deals. Malone P.M., & Kier K.L., & Stanovich J.E., & Malone M.J.(Eds. 9th ed. Extensive information describing published information is provided which can be applied to specific clinical situations. The following criteria should be used when determining quality of online material. LA. Active surveillance - Sentinel sites, drug event monitoring and registries. Saunders, This is a practical, valuable, and informative two-volume resource, focusing on internal medicine topics in canines and felines. King Guide Publications, Over 450 IV drug monographs are provided. In these cases, alternative resources may need to be employed. Clinical decision support tools: performance of personal digital assistants versus online drug information databases. You have not heard of this. Medscape, This electronic resource provides extensive information about disease states and conditions. In this section, you can find useful resources of kidney friendly recipes and cooking tips from around the world. Activate your 30 day free trialto continue reading. 4. The site provides a categorized listing of resources in order to aid pharmacists in providing drug information. MM, Arcara PNG IMAGES. Compendium of veterinary products. ME, Kasbekar
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