If price is greater than marginal cost, a competitive firm should increase output because additional units of output will: Add to the firm's profits (or reduce losses). Question 47 Ceteris Paribus, If The Fed Raises The Discount Rate, Then Assume central bank money (H) is initially equal to $100 million. A combination of flexible rules and limited discretion. a. increase the supply of bonds, thus driving up the interest rate. a. C. increases the bond price and decreases the interes, When the Fed increases the money supply, a. people spend less because they have more money. Quiz 14: Monetary Policy | Quiz+ a. use open market operations to buy Treasury bills b. use open market operations to sell Treasury bills c. use discount policy to raise the disc. Then, ceteris paribus, bank reserves _____ (increase, decrease, or do not change), currency in circulation _____ (increases, decreases, or does not change), and thus the monetary base will _____ (decrease or increase). c. real income increases. Personal exemptions of$1,500. Causes an increase in the federal funds rate, c. Increases reserve holdings of the commercial banks, d. Lowers the cost of borrowing from the Fed, e. Leads to an increase in the interbank, According to the Taylor rule, the Federal Reserve lowers the real interest rate as the output gap ____ or the inflation rate ______. b. Which of the following is likely to occur if OPEC increases the amount of oil it supplies and domestic energy prices fall, ceteris paribus? Annual gross pay of $18,200. \text{French income tax rate on the French division's operating income} & \text{45\\\%}\\ \end{array} Suppose the Federal Reserve engages in open-market operations. d. rate of interest increases.. Professor Williams tutors her next-door neighbor's son in economics. If the Federal Reserve increases the nominal money supply by 5 % and real income increases by 2%, then we would expect: a. prices to increase by 5%. c. Offer rat, 1. If you forget it there is no way for StudyStack Suppose the Fed conducts $10 million open market purchase from Bank A. b. engage in open market purchases of government securities. Also assume that banks do not hold excess reserves and there is no cash held by the public. e. raise the reserve requirement. C. increase by $290 million. c. an increase in the quantity of money demanded. c) increases government spending and/or cuts taxes. B. decrease by $2.9 million. \text{Selling expenses} \ldots & 500,000 If the Federal Reserve increases the money supply, ceteris paribus, the: Money supply is defined as all the currency and other liquid instruments held by banks/individuals in a country's economy in a given time. c) Increasing the money supply. Each bond is worth $1000 (so the Fed has bought $3000 worth of bonds). Corporate finance for the pre-industrial world began to emerge in the Italian city-states and the low countries of Europe from the 15th century.. If Bank A and all the other banks use reserves to purchase only securities, what will happen to deposits in the banking system and how much does it expand? Expansionary fiscal policy: a) decreases the money supply and raises interest rates. All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. b. lowers inflation but raises unemploym, Assume the demand for money curve is stationary and the Fed increases the money supply. b. an increase in the demand for money balances. d. a decrease in the quantity de. D. open bonds operations. To fight a recession, the Fed should conduct what kind of monetary policy to do what to interest rates and shift aggregate demand to the: A. contractionary; increase; left B. contractionary; decrease; Assume the demand for money curve is stationary and the Fed increases the money supply. Multiple . b. it will be easier to obtain loans at commercial banks. Aggregate demand will decrease or shift to the left. If the required reserve ratio is 9%, what is the resulting change in checkable deposits (or the money supply), assuming that there are no cash leakages, Suppose that the reserve requirement for checking deposits is 10 percent and that banks do not hold any excess reserves. This causes excess reserves to, the money supply to, and the money multiplier to. b) Lowering the nominal interest rate. B. the Fed is concerned about high unemployment rates. c. reduce the reserve requirement. The long-term real interest rate _____. The Return of Fiscal Policy and the Euro Area Fiscal Rule When the Federal Reserve sells bonds as a part of a contractionary monetary policy, there is: A. Then the bank can make new loans in the amount of: Initially a bank has a minimum reserve requirement of 15 percent and no excess reserves. The Federal Reserve uses open market operations to control the money supply when it A. issues government bonds to finance the federal government's deficit. d) increases government spending and/or cuts taxes. At what price per share did Wave Water issue common stock during 2012? $$ What impact would this action have on the economy? For the federal deficit to be lowered, a) the federal gov't must decrease its spending and increase net exports. C. The value of the dollar will decrease in foreign exchange markets. \text{French import duty} & \text{20\\\%}\\ An increase in the money supply, When the Federal Reserve increases the discount rate as a part of a contractionary monetary policy, there is: a) a decrease in the money supply and a decrease in the interest rate. When the economy overheats, the government sometimes cools it down with higher taxes, spending reductions, and less money. 3. Chapter 14 MCQs.docx - Chapter 14 1. a) b) c) d) Which of d, If the Federal Reserve wants to increase output, it increases A. government spending. 41. If the Fed decides to engage in an open market operation to increase the money supply, what will it do? Currency circulation in the economy will increase since the non-bank public will have sold their securities. b. buys or sells foreign currency. Excess reserves increase. d. The Federal Reserve sells bonds on the open marke, If the Fed purchases government securities on the open market, the quantity of money and the nominal interest rate. is the rate of interest charged by the Fed when it lends money to private banks, If a private bank lends money to another bank, the interest rate that is charged for the loan is the, Suppose the Fed decreases interest rates by half of a percent. The velocity of money is a. the rate at which the Fed puts money into the economy. Total deposits decrease. 26. What Happens When The Fed Raises Rates? - Forbes Advisor A change in the reserve requirement is the tool used least often by the Fed because it: * Can cause abrupt changes in the money supply. Here are the answers with discussion for yesterday's quiz. Cbdc"" - B) means by which the Fed acts as the government's banker. D) Required reserves decrease. 16) a) encourage banks to provide loans by lowering the discount rate Explanations: During a slow economy, the Fed encourages growth in the economy and the money supply by reducing reserve requirements and lowering the discount rate. In order to decrease the money supply, the Fed can. If you knew the answer, click the green Know box. Ceteris paribus, if the Fed raises the reserve requirement, then E. discount rate operations. The use of money and credit controls to change macroeconomic activity is known as: Free . All rights reserved. Its marginal revenue curve is below its demand curve. Make sure you say increase or decrease/buy or sell. Look at the large card and try to recall what is on the other side. B. If the Open-Market Committee of the Federal Reserve sells securities, this action tends to: a. decrease the money supply. Would the effect on aggregate demand be larger if the Federal Reserve held the money supply constant in response or if the Fed were committed to maintaining a fixed interest rate? Multiple Choice . If they have it, does that mean it exists already ? The Federal Open Market Committee is responsible for: a) reducing the Fed's reliance on open market operations. The Fed decides that it wants to expand the money supply by $40 million. If the market price was below the ATC and at the current firm's rate of production the MC was less than the market price an increase in output would: increase profit but economic profits would still be negative. They will increase. The Board of Governors has ___ members,and they are appointed for ___ year terms. A change in the reserve requirement affects a the What is the impact of the purchase on the bank from which the Fed bought the securities? Assume the Federal Reserve decides to sell $25 billion worth of U.S. Treasury bonds i. The Fed has most likely reduced the, If the Fed wishes to increase the money supply it can, If the Fed wishes to decrease the money supply it can, The rate of interest banks charge each other for lending reserves is the, A change in the reserve requirement is the tool used least often by the Fed because it, can cause abrupt changes in the money supply, consists of seven members appointed by the President of the United States, who together act as the key decision-making entity for monetary policy, Bank reserves in excess of required reserves, Ceteris paribus, if the Fed raises the discount rate, then, the incentive to borrow reserves decreases. If the Fed uses open-market operations, should it buy or sell government securities? 2) If, If the Fed increases the supply of money in the market, bond prices will and interest rates will. Increase / Increase c. Decrease / Decrease d. Decrease / Increase e. Decrease / No change, When the Fed implements a contractionary monetary policy this means that: (a) the price of T-Bills rises (b) the interest rate paid on T-Bills falls (c) the Federal Funds Rate increases (d) none o, If the Federal Reserve increases the rate of money growth and maintains it at the new higher rate, eventually expected inflation will _______ and the short-run Phillips curve will shift ______. Generally, when the Federal Reserve lowers interest rates, investment spending [{Blank}] and GDP [{Blank}]. (Income taxes are not included in the computation of the cost-based transfer prices.) d. has a contractionary effect on the money supply. a) fall; rise b) rise; rise c) rise; fall d) fall; fall, If the Federal Reserve conducts expansionary money policy to expand the money supply, it is most likely to change nominal interest rates and output in which of the following ways? c. buys bonds from ban, The Federal Reserve's sale or purchase of government bonds is referred to as: a. open market operations b. credit rationing c. quantitative easing d. monetarism, If the Fed wants to increase the money supply through an open market operation, it will a. purchase government securities. b. If the Federal Reserve wants to decrease the money supply, it should: a. b) an open market sale and expansionary monetary policy. Instead of paying her for this service,the neighbor washes the professor's car. If the rate of inflation is constant at 10 percent, in order to keep Patricia's real income constant, her nominal income in the year 2010 should be: The value of a painting, held as an asset, increased in value by 100 percent from 1970 -2010. Which of the following is NOT a basic monetary policy tool used by the Fed? c. first purchase, then sell, government securities. The central bank uses various monetary tools such as open market operations, the Fed's fund rate, and reserve requirements to achieve its goals. d. Conduct open market sales. D. $100,000 in checkable-deposit liabilities and $30,000 in reserves. Let's say the Fed had raised interest rates by 1% before the family got a loan, and the interest rate offered by banks for a $300,000 home mortgage loan rose to 4.5%. \text{Cost of Goods Sold}&\underline{\text{\hspace{19pt}85,250}}&\underline{\text{\hspace{19pt}85,250}}\\ A. expands, higher, higher B. expands, higher, lower C. expands, lower, higher D. contracts, In the market for money, when the demand for funds increases, the interest rate _______ and the amount of money borrowed _______ . Calculate after-tax operating income earned by United States and French divisions from transferring 200,000 chainsaws (a) at full manufacturing cost per unit and (b) a market price of comparable imports. Where do you suppose the Fed gets the cash, to do this ? Biagio Bossone. Bob, a college student looking for summer work. Ceteris paribus, if the Fed raises the reserve requirement, then: e The lending capacity of the banking system decreases. d. the price level decreases. Officials indicated an aggressive path ahead, with rate rises coming at each of the . Find the taxable wages. Answer: D. 15. What types of accounts are listed on the post-closing trial balance? c. engage in open market sales of government securities. If the Fed raises the reserve requirement, the money supply _____. are the minimum amount of reserves a bank is required to hold. In a graph of the aggregate demand curve, an increase in investment by businesses is represented by a: Ceteris paribus, which of the following changes in the aggregate demand curve best characterizes a cutback in exports? How does the Federal Reserve regulate the money supply? }\\ If the Fed uses open-market operations, should it buy or sell government securities? C. Increase the supply of money. If the Fed sells bonds: A.aggregate demand will increase. b) borrow more from the Fed and lend less to the public. (ii) instructs the New York Fed to sell government securities in the foreign exchange market. Suppose the Federal Reserve conducts an open market purchase of $150 million government securities from the non-bank public. Given an inflationary gap, the Federal Reserve will use monetary policy to do what to interest rates and to aggregate demand? Consider an expansionary open market operation. d. an increase in the supply of bonds and a fal, When there is an excess supply of money: A. the Fed will decrease the money supply. Which of the following is likely to cause a leftward shift in the aggregate supply curve, ceteris paribus? The required reserve. B ) bond yields will fall 2) A negative output gap indicates that A) nominal GDP is below real GDP. b. foreign countries only. Learn more about the Federal Reserve's control methods and examine contractionary and expansionary monetary policies. The Fed decides that it wants to expand the money supply by $40 million. Which of the following is likely to occur if people reduce their spending because they are worried about an economic downturn, ceteris paribus? If total reserves for a bank are $10,000, excess reserves are zero, and demand deposits are $100,000, then the money multiplier must be: If total reserves for a bank are $150,000, excess reserves are zero, and demand deposits are $1,000,000, then the money multiplier must be: Suppose the entire banking system has $10 million in excess reserves and a required reserve ratio of 5 percent. Multiple Choice . If the Fed raises the reserve requirement, the money supply _____. Toby Vail. Cause a reduction in the dem. C) Excess reserves increase. \end{array} The result is imperfect monitoring, which creates profit opportunities for speculators, who do not act as dealers but simply \text{Net Income (Loss)}&\text{\hspace{12pt}?}&\text{\hspace{12pt}? The monetary base in the economy will increase. Suppose the Federal Reserve buys government Open market operations versus discount loans Consider an expansionary open market operation. In order to increase sales by one item per month, the monopolist must lower the price of its software by $1 to $49. Suppose the bond market and the money market both start out in equilibrium and then the Federal Reserve increases the money supply. Is this part of expansionary or contractionary fiscal or monetary policy? C. Controlling the supply of money. The Federal Reserve has a few main goals with respect to the economy: to promote maximum employment, keep prices stable and ensure moderate long-term interest rates. Assume the reserve requirement is 5%. A sale of treasury bills by the federal reserve _____ interest rates and _____ the money supply. Wave Waters total liabilities on December 31, 2012, are $7,800. If the Fed wants to increase the money supply through an open market operation, it will a. purchase government securities. a. Your email address is only used to allow you to reset your password. A, Suppose that the Fed engages in an open-market purchase of $4,000 in securities from Bank A. Ceteris paribus, if the Fed raised the required reserve ratio: Question: Ceteris paribus, if the Fed raised the required reserve ratio: This problem has been solved! The Fed - Closing the Monetary Policy Curriculum Gap - Federal Reserve (a) money supply increases, investment increases, aggregate demand increases (b) money supply increases, the interest rate increases, If the Fed increases the money supply to bring down the federal funds rate: A. Which of the following functions does the Fed perform? You'll get a detailed solution from a subject matter expert that helps you learn core concepts. a. The sale of bonds to the Fed by the public C. Increases in banks' excess reserves D. Increases in. Issuanceofstock. Cashdividends. U.S.incometaxrateontheU.S.divisionsoperatingincome, FrenchincometaxrateontheFrenchdivisionsoperatingincome, Sellingprice(netofmarketinganddistributioncosts)inFrance, Alexander Holmes, Barbara Illowsky, Susan Dean, Claudia Bienias Gilbertson, Debra Gentene, Mark W Lehman, Fundamentals of Engineering Economic Analysis, David Besanko, Mark Shanley, Scott Schaefer, Don Herrmann, J. David Spiceland, Wayne Thomas. In response, people will a. sell bonds, thus driving up the interest rate. The Federal Reserve expands the money supply by 5 percent. c. the government increases spending and lowers taxes. Which of the following is not true about excess b. the price level increases. a. increase the supply of money by buying bonds b. increase the supply of money by selling bonds c. increase the demand for money by buying bonds d. increase the demand for mo, An increase in the money supply will cause interest rates to: a. rise b. fall c. remain unchanged. C. The nominal interest rate does not change. $$ Change in Excess Reserve = -100000000. c. buy bonds, thus driving up the interest rate. Ceteris paribus, if the Fed raises the reserve requirement, then: The lending capacity of the banking system decreases. \text{Net Credit Sales}&\text{\$\hspace{1pt}1,454,500}&\text{\$\hspace{1pt}1,454,500}\\ Assume that banks use all funds except required, 13. If the population of a country is 1,000,000 people, its labor force consists of 600,000, and 60,000 people are unemployed, the unemployment rate is: If the population of a country is 220 million people, its labor force consists of 115 million, and 99 million people are employed, the unemployment rate is: When construction workers seek work because the ground is covered in snow and ice, the unemployment rate goes up. Suppose commercial banks use excess reserves to buy government bonds from the public. \text{Gross Margin}&\text{\hspace{5pt}1,369,250}&\text{\hspace{5pt}1,369,250}\\ Holding the deposits or reserves of commercial banks. ceteris paribus, if the fed raises the reserve requirement, then: the process of selling Fed-issued IOUs between banks. C. excess reserves at commercial banks will increase. The people who sold these bonds keep all their money in checking accounts. a. Enter the effect of this open-market operation on Bank A's T-account, assuming that the proceeds from the p. If the Federal Reserve wants to decrease the money supply, it should: A. conduct open market purchases. The money multiplier is equal to ______ and the reserve ratio is equal to _____%. We develop a model of price formation in a dealership market where monitoring of the information flow requires costly effort. One HEADLINE article in the text has the title "Fed cuts key interest rate half-point to 1 percent." copyright 2003-2023 Homework.Study.com. c) borrow less from the Fed and, If Federal Reserve decides to decrease the money supply in the United States, what will happen to: 1) the interest rate 2) the level of investment spending in America 3) the level of GDP 4) the level of money demand 3) the U.S interest rate 4) the level o. An office worker who loses her job because she does not have the necessary computer skills is, ceteris paribus: Which of the following is likely to reduce the level of structural unemployment? Monetary policy can help the Federal Reserve System to protect, influence, and increase benefits to the economy. Free . Was there a profit or a loss for the year ended December 31, 2012? B. expansionary monetary policy by selling Treasury securities. a) decreases, decreases b) decreases, increases c) increases, decr, An increase in the interest rate will cause: an increase in the demand for money an increase in the supply of money a decrease in the demand for money a decrease in the quantity demanded of money, When the Federal Reserve increases the money supply and expands aggregate demand, it moves the economy along the Phillips curve to a point with (blank) inflation and (blank) unemployment. If the fed increases the money supply, what will happen to each of the following (other things being equal)? The change is negative it means that excess reserve falls by -100000000 or 100 million. a. monetary base b. When the Fed raises the reserve requirement, it's executing contractionary policy. &\textbf{0-30 days}&\textbf{31-90 days}&\textbf{Over 90 days}\\ 1. Should the Fed increase or decrease the money supply? b) increases the money supply and lowers interest rates. Raise reserve requirements 3. Ceteris paribus, if the Fed reduces the reserve requirement, then, the lending capacity of the banking system increases, Ceteris paribus, if the Fed reduces the discount rate, then. b) an increase in the money supply and a decrease in the interest rate.
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