how does a person become a werewolf

Copyright 20102023, The Conversation US, Inc. A werewolf in a German woodcut, circa 1512. Update: Because people are already mad at me for this, I wanna say that this is Their powers will also activate quickly, as they will every time they trigger their powers. Many ethnicities believe that humans can also embrace animal spirits or forms (example: native tribes, Europeans, Greeks, etc). You will then be drawn to the nearest darkly forested area. However, there are suggestions that certain neurological conditions and cultural influences may result in the expression of the human-animal transformation theme that defines the condition. [1] It's unclear if the premature appearance of ageing is due to the affliction or the physical and mental stress it causes. Both forms of the Kanima have very large and sharp claws, almost like talons, that discharge some type of paralytic venom that is capable of rendering its victim totally immobile from the neck down within seconds. In other versions, a person can become a werewolf by putting on a wolf-skin or through a curse. [1] This condition was caused by infection with lycanthropy, also known as werewolfry. A: In most traditional werewolf mythology, a person can become a werewolf by being bitten or scratched by another werewolf. WebBecoming a werewolf doesnt always require a curse. !the real spell is this:(By the light of the moon and our piercing howls we are further transformed in to cunning beasts.from the circle of life to the evolution of man.i shall be reawaken as on with the land).actually it is the translate of the spell.warlock will say this by the way they know(way of kholsan)you will never undrestand what they say.. Death Eaters and their supremacist allies looked down on werewolves, only using them as foot soldiers and to intimidate the rest of the wizarding world into submission. View Page. There are also reports of people who experienced transformation into an animal only listed as "unspecified". with is a combination of those two. Law enforcement, scientists and the medical community joined forces to find cures for socially deviant behaviour such as criminality, violence and even homosexuality. People seemed to think even when in human form, the werewolf could pose a danger. Tracy, who had become a genetic Chimera after receiving an allogeneic skin graft at some point prior to her introduction in the series, became one of the Dread Doctors experiments and was subsequently transformed into a Chimera, a pseudo-supernatural hybrid of several supernatural species. Greyback's appearance when in human form had a wolf-like quality, If two werewolves were to mate at the full moon, in their animal forms, it was possible for them to conceive. At first, Jackson thought he was immune, but after he began slowly demonstrating supernatural abilities such as enhanced hearing and strength, he believed that the bite had somehow just taken longer to change him than it did the others. After the first werewolf transformation, the werewolf will experience muscle pain. The legend in question detailed a South American priest who took control of a Kanima and used it to rid his village of murderers. Kanima 3. Getting scratched is a questionable way of becoming a werewolf, but most don't believe in it. It can be well beyond nearly anything else a human can survive. The majority of werewolves have a transformation trigger. Contrary to what the Muggle world believed, werewolves were not affected by silver, except in that it could be used in the mixture of powdered silver and dittany to prevent bite victims' death and would merely close their wounds to prevent bleeding after a severe werewolf attack. "The word Lycanthropy originates from Greek roots (Lykoi meaning wolf and anthropos meaning man), Several ways for becoming a werewolf have been told about. However, due to Lockhart's reputation as a liar, and the many falsehoods he told to inflate his popularity, his information is highly suspect as is the very existence of a Homorphus Charm in the first place. The "H" represents the dominant Human Gene, and the "w" represents the recessive Werewolf Gene. This, of course, is a huge simplification of the entire genetic process, but it's all you really need to know to understand how to become a werewolf by birth. a mean one and i dont like blood. appearance) and immoral behaviour developed fully in the late 20th century. Remus Lupin (in wolf form) attempting to attack Harry Potter and Hermione Granger, Unfortunately, there was no cure for lycanthropy. The paired chromosome that you end up Can any one help mr to become a werewolf please? [9], Clinical lycanthropy is a type of delusional misidentification syndrome of the self, and it often overlaps with other delusional misidentification syndromes. However, after Matt had forced Jackson to kill several people from the 2006 Beacon Hills High School swim team who he blamed for his near-fatal drowning as a child, Matt then sent Jackson to kill a married couple from the team; though Jackson did successfully kill the man, he was unable to kill the woman after he realized that she was pregnant, forcing Matt to kill her himself. However, if someone triggers their curse in either of these methods, their eyes will change color. Kingsley posthumously awarded his werewolf friend, Remus Lupin, the Order of Merlin, First Class, for his bravery in the war, the first time in history that a werewolf had been accorded this honour. I should know, I have experienced all of this for the past 7 years. WebInstead of a werewolf whats the most powerful creature a person can become? Humans can be infected by techniques other than bites, such as a scratch or, more rarely, drinking from their paw print under a full moon. I also like there red eyes and there speed and there hearing because if I had that I can hear what people would say about me.. :) I wish there was a easier way, i want to be a werewolf sooo bad and i always have, Hey kids I did all of this stuff and I am not a where wolf my brother said that thy are not real and he is 18 or 17 now you real kids that thy are not real now stop saing that ok no point to lie ok now thats stupid Now dont lie ok if you do this it will be wrong so no non of you are a were wolf ok go do kid stuff now. However, there is an actual medical condition called Lycanthropy, where people believe they have turned into, or regularly transform into, other animals (most notably wolves). In 380 BC, Greek philosopher Plato told a story in the Republic about the protector-turned-tyrant of the shrine of Lycaean Zeus. [4] Despite this, they were able to recall everything they had experienced throughout their transformation upon reverting to their human form. Alternative names Like I said, from time to time, information is altered to fill in the empty gaps. The resulting child will certainly be a "wH" human. However, minority groups were more often the target than mythical kings. I am only 10 but, I have such a passion for anything related to wolf or werewolves. At Dreame, Stevenson has always been a lover for all kinds of novels with unique appetite for the female characters and their storylines. Im not sure if this works i tried it myself last night remember this spell and say it 3 timed while staring at the moon and ypu must believe it will work Creature creature of the night make them scared make them fright snapping jaws big big clwas creature of the night howling by my side creature of the night. If it works you should feel body aches the next day i hope this helps, becoming a werewolve is a gift of responsiblity.once you get what you want first you have to think about what your giving up.once you do that there is no way of going back.please listen to my words.when you transform it will be im warning you think about what your might not agree with me.i also want to become a werewolve so im thinking about it and you should to will face great danger and you will learn from your before you do anything start with research so you will be aware with what you do. The Kanima was once used by a South American priest who took it upon himself to rid his village of all murderers. Sometimes the government have a huge roll to play in hiding the truth and even altering proof or erasing documentation about these kinds of things. Dogs. Step 4: A big wolf with glowing yellow eyes should appear. Ways To Become A Werewolf - Gods and Monsters As no werewolf was willing to sign it, the Ministry had huge difficulty in hunting down culprits of these attacks, such that Fenrir Greyback was able to act innocent in regards to him murdering two Muggle children. You must be leery of humans who know your true self, since there are ways a human can tell if you are indeed a lycanthrope, or werewolf. mother carries. Once the werewolf learns to control it deliberately and practice regularly, they can change painlessly. [14] Neurologist Andrew J. Larner has written that the fate of Odysseus's crew due to the magic of Circe may be one of the earliest examples of clinical lycanthropy.[15]. Normally any wild animal or creature would react to sudden movements even noises. These include poltergeists, Boggarts and other strange creatures that, while sometimes [1], Without any humans nearby to attack, or other animals to occupy it, the werewolf would attack itself out of frustration. your pair of chromosomes will be a random combination of one of the two It can be obtained from drinking stuff as well! In Tracy's case, this meant being part-Werewolf and part-Kanima. Becoming a Werewolf | Maegan A. Stebbins - Maverick I have always known that things are out there that humans dont believe in or take the time to notice. [8], Because clinical lycanthropy is strongly associated with psychotic disorders, antipsychotic medication is often an effective treatment. Afterward, Tracy began to relish in her newly stabilized powers, using her venomous claws against anyone seen as a threat and taking pleasure in carrying out orders from her self-proclaimed Alpha. They were also supposed to lock themselves away during their wolf transformation periods. I just wish. Skeptical of them being true gods he decided to test them by serving human flesh in their banquet of honor. Its later revealed that Jackson remains part Kanima and still has some of his old abilities; his claws still produce Kanima venom, he can still make his Kanima eyes visible with a certain amount of concentration and effort, and he still could extend and retract his prehensile tail, which he used for a number of feats. A werewolf then returns to their human form through sunlight. and im 57. [22], A 25-year-old man was sent for treatment during a period of excessive hand-washing, irritable behavior, decreased sleep, and acting like a buffalo. Another story is Native American in which a spirt, None of them, of course, could completely cure an afflicted person once they were bitten, but could merely prevent and close the physical wounds on the skin. into legs. Your dreams and nightmares are some things to deliver vocal and mindly said messages to you in your sleep. Aka WebShould a Kanima discover the cause of its existence, such as solving an identity crisis and remembering who they are, the Werewolf gene will correct itself and cause it to become a true Werewolf rather than the mutation that they were, however, as seen in Jackson's case, a Werewolf who was once a Kanima will retain some abilities and These and other mind-sets are VITAL to get under your control. It's possible that some individual physical traits may be present in both forms, as with Chiara Lobosca having silver/white hair in human form and similarly coloured fur in her transformed state. Attacked by Fenrir Greyback while he was in human form. For instance, there are books in which female werewolf transformation or female werewolf tf does not happen at will. Tanika Koosmen does not work for, consult, own shares in or receive funding from any company or organization that would benefit from this article, and has disclosed no relevant affiliations beyond their academic appointment. Older werewolves can control themselves to some extent on the night of the full moon. Step 6: Then it will eventually bite you and you become a werewolf :D. How the curse spreads If a person who gets attacked survives the encounter, but gets bitten by the cursed during the scuffle, theyll then get the curse like an infection. It is also known that you have bristles under your tongue, so it is imperative that you keep this sight from all humans. Any phobia the master has, the Kanima will also possess. The werewolf could display irritation towards people while in the ill following state. but if by chance or through some fluke of nature they actually are real.,then I would welcome the opportunity/ gift of becoming a lycan. Werewolf - Wikipedia One possibility is to be the seventh son of a seventh son . This is listed on wikipedia as a superstition in the UK. It was not uncommon for people known to be werewolves to be shunned by society and discriminated against within the wizarding world. Ok. Not just wolves but shapeshifters, (werewolves and shapeshifters are different) vampires and some of other creatures that you dont know about. For example, while Jackson was being controlled by Matt, he acquired Matt's fear of water that he gained after nearly drowning to death as a child (the event that drove him to use the Kanima to kill in the first place). In Paraguay, Argentina and Ur I have Italian and Indian in my background and lemme tell you there is sooooooooo much folklore about lycan, werewolves, empaths, fae etc.. And Im 100% positive there is a very strict no telling policy thats how everyone is able to survive without being found out so if the people on here are telling other people they are werewolves or lycans Im pretty sure thered be some severe consequences based on my research!! WebWerewolves do not exist in reality. Expert werewolves will also be able to change painlessly in just 10 seconds or less. According to Peter Hale, the Kanima has a Beta and Alpha form, though Jackson only demonstrated a Beta form. Ive been fascinated by wolves,lycans,werewolves all my life. Im interested in this site but most of the things here are not accurate. I know it probably seems confusing if this is your first foray into genetics, but this is essentially the only real explanation necessary to describe how the gene works.As you can see from the chart, a combination of "HH" (Human/Human), "Hw" (Human/werewolf), or "wH" (werewolf/Human), all result in the same thing - a human child.