bukovina birth records

The register was kept relatively well with all data clearly completed in most instances. Fntna Alb: O mrturie de snge (istorie, amintiri, mrturii). 15 West 16th Street Then, a process of Rumanization was carried out in the area. The first book in each section is in handwritten German (headings as well); the next two have headings printed in Hungarian and German and entries in German or Hungarian with subsequent notes and comments in Hungarian. 168/2). The headings are in Hungarian and German; the entries are in Hungarian. The headings are in German and Hungarian and the pages are specific to the needs of a Jewish community (spaces for circumcision information, includes Hebrew letters for dates). Please note the Hungarian names have a variety of spellings. Please also see item under call number 236/17, which is an index, by birth year, for this birth registery. As a result of the MolotovRibbentrop Pact, the USSR demanded not only Bessarabia but also the northern half of Bukovina and Hertsa regions from Romania on 26 June 1940 (Bukovina bordered Eastern Galicia, which the USSR had annexed during the Invasion of Poland). bukovina birth records - nomadacinecomunitario.com The collection is organized alphabetically by location, then by religious community. Additionally, hundreds of Romanian peasants were killed as they attempted escape to Romania away from the Soviet authorities. [9] The population of Bukovina increased steadily, primarily through immigration, which Austrian authorities encouraged in order to develop the economy. Bukovina's remaining Jews were spared from certain death when it was retaken by Soviet forces in February 1944. Name, date, gender, parents, marital status of parents, parent residence, midwife name, circumcision or naming ceremony details and name of witnesses or godparents are provided. All Death, Burial, Cemetery & Obituaries results for Bukovina. This register records births for in Jewish families in villages around Cluj; Apahida and Bora (Hung: Kolozsborsa) appear frequently. Bukovina suffered great losses during the war. After 1944, the human and economic connections between the northern (Soviet) and southern (Romanian) parts of Bukovina were severed. The second set contains entries almost exclusively from residents of Chiuieti (Hung: Pecstszeg), with a few entries for nearby villages. "[4][12][13] Indeed, a group of scholars surrounding the Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand were planning on creating a Romanian state that would've included all of Bukovina, including Czernowitz. Several entries have later additions or comments made in Romanian. 1868-1918, Austro-Hungarian Empire, Birth records, Dej, Transylvania, Tags: [45] As a result of killings and mass deportations, entire villages, mostly inhabited by Romanians,[citation needed] were abandoned (Albovat, Frunza, I.G.Duca, Bucicompletely erased, Prisaca, Tanteni and Vicovdestroyed to a large extent). The first transfer occurred in 1983. The census only recorded social status and some ethno-religious groups (Jews, Armenians, Roma, and German colonists). The territory of Romanian (or Southern) Bukovina is located in northeastern Romania and it is part of the Suceava County (plus three localities in Botoani County), whereas Ukrainian (or Northern) Bukovina is located in western Ukraine and it is part of the Chernivtsi Oblast. ); marriages 1856-1870(? This register records births and deaths for Jews in villages near the town of Dej and in Dej itself. 1868-1918, Austro-Hungarian Empire, Banat, Birth records, Sephardic communities, Timioara, Tags: Each section begins with births, then moves to marriages and then deaths. Both headings and entries are entirely in German, Hebrew dates are also provided most of the time. 4 [Timioara-Fabric, nr. According to the data of the 2001 Ukrainian census,[65] the Ukrainians represent about 75% (689,100) of the population of Chernivtsi Oblast, which is the closest, although not an exact, approximation of the territory of the historic Northern Bukovina. Surviving Jews were forced into ghettoes to await deportation to work camps in Transnistria where 57,000 had arrived by 1941. Unfortunately, within the archives of Timisoara, there is no birth or marriage record book beginning in 1845, so it is not clear to what original book was referred. After the war and the return of the Soviets, most of the Jewish survivors from Northern Bukovina fled to Romania (and later settled in Israel).[44]. This book is an alphabetic index of marriages or births in Jewish families taking place in the town of Timioara from 1845 to 1895. Bukovina Cemeteries, Archives and Oral History. It seems they were bound together in 1890. [12][13], Under the protection of Romanian troops, the Romanian Council summoned a General Congress of Bukovina for 15/28 November 1918, where 74 Romanians, 13 Ruthenians, 7 Germans, and 6 Poles were represented (this is the linguistic composition, and Jews were not recorded as a separate group). All results for bukovina. The book records births in the Jewish community of Dej and in many of the surrounding villages. This register records births for the Orthodox Jewish community of Cluj. The battle is known in Polish popular culture as "the battle when the Knights have perished". Please note that though this book is catalogued as the "citadel" (cetate) community book, the births took place for the most part in other neighborhoods, primarily Fabrik and Josefstadt (today Fabric and Iosefin). 4 [Plasa central Timioara, nr. A significant part of Ukrainian intelligentsia fled to Romania and Germany in the beginning of the occupation. The handwritten entries are generally in a mix of Hungarian and German; the German, though written with Latin characters, has noticeable Yiddish traits. The Austrians "managed to keep a balance between the various ethnic groups. Fdercis tervek az Osztrk-Magyar Monarchia talaktsra", "Minoritatea ucrainean din Romnia (19181940)", "Calvarul bucovinenilor sub ocupatia sovietica", "The Genocide of Romanians in Northern Bukovina", "Preedintele Iohannis a promulgat legea prin care data de 28 noiembrie este declarat Ziua", 1855 Austrian ethnic-map showing census data in lower right corner, File:Ethnographic map of austrian monarchy czoernig 1855.jpg, "Romnii din Ucraina reclam lipsa de interes a autoritilor de la Bucureti", "Comunitatea romneasc din Ucraina | CONSULATUL GENERAL AL ROMNIEI n Cernui", "Ziare.com: Romanii din Ucraina sunt divizati. In some languages a definite article, sometimes optional, is used before the name: the Bukovina, increasingly an archaism in English[citation needed], which, however, is found in older literature. Please note that at the time of survey (2016) any entries past 1915 were closed to researchers. Bukovina was part of the Austrian Empire 1775-1918. bukovina - Ancestry.com 1868-1918, Austro-Hungarian Empire, Birth records, Transylvania, Tags: Entries are generally comprehensively completed; they record the names of the child and parents, often including mother's maiden name; the birth date and place; gender; whether the birth was legitimate; information on circumcisions; midwives; and names of witnesses (to the circumcision or name-giving) or godparents. During Soviet Communist rule in Bukovina, "private property was nationalized; farms were partly collectivized; and education was Ukrainianized. 1868-1918, Austro-Hungarian Empire, Birth records, Cluj, Neologue communities, Transylvania, Tags: In general the entries were not comprehensively completed: they frequently only give name; date; gender; parent names and marital status; birth place; whereas normally such a book includes midwife name; circumcision or naming ceremony details and name of witnesses or godparents. Bukovina Church Records FamilySearch Please see also the entry for the original record book, which is catalogued under district of Timioara, nr. The headings and entries are in Hungarian. sabbath school superintendent opening remarks P.O. Upon its foundation, the Moldovan state recognized the supremacy of Poland, keeping on recognizing it from 1387 to 1497. This register records births for Jews living in and around Turda. No thanks. The name Bukovina came into official use in 1775 with the region's annexation from the Principality of Moldavia to the possessions of the Habsburg monarchy, which became the Austrian Empire in 1804, and Austria-Hungary in 1867. The index is in Romanian, indicating it was created much later than the original record book to which it refers. The headings and entries are in Hungarian and the information was, in general, entered chronologically, beginning in 1887 and ending in 1888, with one entry from 1875 made after the fact. 1775-1867, 1868-1918, Austrian Empire, Austro-Hungarian Empire, Birth records, Cluj, Death records, Marriage records, Transylvania, Tags: [48], Overall, between 1930 (last Romanian census) and 1959 (first Soviet census), the population of Northern Bukovina decreased by 31,521 people. The pages have been repaired but they seem to be out of order or, possibly, extracts from multiple books. During the time of the Golden Horde, in the 14th century, Bukovina became part of Moldavia under the Hungarian Suzerainty, bringing colonists from Maramure, e.g. In southern Bucovina, the successive waves of emigration beginning in the Communist era diminished the Jewish population to approximately 150-200 in the early twenty-first century; in northern Bucovina, where several tens of thousands of Jews were still living in the 1980s, large-scale emigration to Israel and the United States began after 1990, Cernui-Trgu-Mure, 1994, Ania Nandris-Cudla. The book is printed and recorded in German until around the mid-1870s after which it is primarily in Hungarian. While reading the statistics it should be mentioned that, due to "adverse economic conditions", some 50,000 Ukrainians left the region (mostly emigrating to North America) between 1891 and 1910, in the aforementioned migrations. A Jewishgen search of birth records in the Bukovina for the surname PEIKHT or phonetically alike returns the birth of one Lea Pacht in Kandreny, Campulung, on 21/6/1882, daughter of Abraham and Malka Frime nee SCHAFLER. While during the war the Soviet government killed or forced in exile a considerable number of Ukrainians,[13] after the war the same government deported or killed about 41,000 Romanians. To get better results, add more information such as First Name, Birth Info, Death Info and Locationeven a guess will help. [12][13], After the fragmentation of Kievan Rus', Bukovina passed to the Principality of Galicia (Principality of Galicia-Volhynia) in 1124. Humanitas, Bucharest, 2006 (second edition), (in Romanian), This page was last edited on 27 February 2023, at 04:38. Cataloging identifies the Austrian, Romanian, and Ukrainian variations of the jurisdiction and place name. The fact that Romanians and Moldovans, a self-declared majority in some regions, were presented as separate categories in the census results, has been criticized in Romania, where there are complains that this artificial Soviet-era practice results in the Romanian population being undercounted, as being divided between Romanians and Moldovans. This item contains two groups of documents bound together; both documents contain lists of Jewish families in the villages around Dej. [citation needed] In Nistor's view, this referred only to the Moldavian population native to the region, while the total population included a significant number of Romanian immigrants from Moldavia and Transylvania. Data recorded is typical for record books of this time and includes the individual's name and birth details; parent details; place of residence; for births information on the circumcision; for marriages information on the ceremony; for deaths circumstances of death and details on the burial. [71] However, the local community claims to number 20,000, five times the number stated by Romanian authorities. Notably, Ivan Pidkova, best known as the subject of Ukraine's bard Taras Shevchenko's Ivan Pidkova (1840), led military campaigns in the 1570s. Graduation diploma stubs (1929-1932 . Since gaining its independence, Romania envisioned to incorporate this province, that Romanians likewise considered historic, which, as a core of the Moldavian Principality, was of a great historic significance to its history and contained many prominent monuments of its art and architecture.[21]. The headings and entries are in Hungarian. Other minor ethnic groups include Lipovans, Poles (in Cacica, Mnstirea Humorului, Muenia, Moara, and Pltinoasa), Zipser Germans (in Crlibaba and Iacobeni) and Bukovina Germans in Suceava and Rdui, as well as Slovaks and Jews (almost exclusively in Suceava, Rdui and Siret). tefan Purici. [31] The Russian were driven out in 1917. In the Moldo-Russian Chronicle, writes the events of year 1342, that the Hungarian king Vladislav (Ladislaus) asked the Old Romans and the New Romans to fight the Tatars, by that they will earn a sit in Maramure. Some scribes recorded the Hebrew name. Partea I. Bucureti: Editura Academiei Romne, 2001, ara fagilor: Almanah cultural-literar al romnilor nord-bucovineni. Sometimes the place of birth is given and/or other comments. The book is in Hungarian but names are also written in Hebrew. Still, the information was, in general, entered chronologically, with a few exceptions (births from 1837 and later entered in the last pages). In the 1950s they were collected by the National Archives and made into this overarching collection. P. 35. However, by 1914 Bukovina managed to get "the best Ukrainian schools and cultural-educational institutions of all the regions of Ukraine. Records . Mobs attacked retreating soldiers and civilians, whereas a retreating unit massacred Jewish soldiers and civilians in the town of Dorohoi. [citation needed] The only data we have about the ethnic composition of Bukovina are the Austrian censuses starting from the 1770s. [29][30] After they acquired Bukovina, the Austrians opened only one elementary school in Chernivsti, which taught exclusively in Romanian. The Jewish community was destroyed in death camps. That index, however, begins with births in 1857 and goes only until 1885. In the decade following 1928, as Romania tried to improve its relations with the Soviet Union, Ukrainian culture was given some limited means to redevelop, though these gains were sharply reversed in 1938. [69] However, Ukrainian nationalists[citation needed] of the 1990s claimed the region had 110,000 Ukrainians. During the same event, it writes that Drago was one of the Romans . [12] Other prominent Ukrainian leaders fighting against the Turks in Moldovia were Severyn Nalyvaiko and Petro Konashevych-Sahaidachny. [29][30], In World War I, several battles were fought in Bukovina between the Austro-Hungarian, German, and Russian armies, which resulted in the Russian army invading Chernivtsi for three times (30 August to 21 October 1914, 26 November 1914 to 18 February 1915 and 18 June 1916 to 2 August 1917). [13], The Congress elected the Romanian Bukovinian politician Iancu Flondor as chairman, and voted for the union with the Kingdom of Romania, with the support of the Romanian, German, and Polish representatives; the Ukrainians did not support this. The same report indicated that Moldavians constituted the majority in the area of Suceava. In 1302, it was passed to the Halych metropoly. It is the regional branch of the WorldGenWeb Project. In 1907, the population, there were 730,195 inhabitants; 110,483 Catholic, 500,262 Orthodox, 96,150 Jews, and 23,300 other religions. These records are in the process of being cataloged. Mukha returned to Galicia to re-ignite the rebellion, but was killed in 1492. This registry is kept in Hungarian, with occasional notes in Romanian (made after 1918). Please see also the entry for the original record book, which is catalogued under Timioara-Fabric quarter, nr. Note that the page number corresponds with the original page number, not the subsequent one given by the National Archives. Historically the population consisted of Moldovans (Romanians) and Ukrainians (Ruthenians and Hutzuls). The inclusive dates refer to a transition period, as the records in one parish transitioned to the new script at different point than the records of another parish. This book is an alphabetic index of names found in the birth record book for the town of Timioara, citadel quarter, from 1886-1942. [53] H.F. Mller gives the 1840 population used for purposes of military conscription as 339,669. 1883-1904 no births recorded; only four recorded from 1916-1931) and generally lack comprehensive data. U.S., Department of Veterans Affairs BIRLS Death File, 1850-2010. There were 142,933 houses. This register records births, marriages, and deaths for Jews in the village of Reteag (Hung: Retteg) and several nearby villages. In the 9th century Tivertsi and White Croatians and Cowari composed the local population. They later did open German schools, but no Ukrainian ones. When Kievan Rus was partitioned at the end of the 11th century, Bukovina became part of the Principality of Galicia-Volhynia. Romnii nord-bucovineni n exilul totalitarismului sovietic, Victor Brsan "Masacrul inocenilor", Bucureti, 1993, pp. Bukovina - Ancestry.com Ukrainian national sentiment re-ignited in the 1840s. Very few births recorded took place in Turda itself. The 1857 and 1869 censuses omitted ethnic or language-related questions. Note that the page number corresponds with the original page number, not the subsequent one given by the National Archives. To search without any keywords using only the provided locality, tag and date lists choose search type "Exact match" (under "More Options"). Romania, Jewish Family Questionnaires, 1945 (USHMM) - Ancestry.com [citation needed] In fact, some territories with a mostly Romanian population (e.g., Hertsa region) were allotted to the Ukrainian SSR. The filming began in 2001. He died of the consequence of torture in 1851 in Romania. bukovina birth records - nasutown-marathon.jp [37] In the northern part of the region, however, Romanians made up only 32.6% of the population, with Ukrainians significantly outnumbering Romanians. We collect and match historical records that Ancestry users have contributed to their family trees to create each person's profile. Despite this influx, Romanians continued to be the largest ethnic group until 1880, when Ukrainians (Ruthenians) outnumbered the Romanians 5:4. 1868-1918, Austro-Hungarian Empire, Birth records, Cluj, Death records, Marriage records, Neologue communities, Transylvania, Tags: [41] The majority of those targeted were ethnic native Romanians, but there were (to a lesser degree) representatives of other ethnicities, as well.[42]. As a reaction, partisan groups (composed of both Romanians and Ukrainians) began to operate against the Soviets in the woods around Chernivtsi, Crasna and Codrii Cosminului. Today, the historically Ukrainian northern part is the nucleus of the Ukrainian Chernivtsi Oblast, while the southern part is part of Romania, though there are minorities of Ukrainians and Romanians in Romanian Bukovina and Ukrainian Bukovina respectively. The National Archive of Romania in Suceava The Roman Catholic Diocese in Iasi Bukovina Jewish Heritage Sites In the other eight districts and the city of Chernivtsi, Ukrainians were the majority. Austria Genealogy / AustriaGenWeb - WorldGenWeb Project The new Soviet-Romanian border was traced less than 20 kilometres (12 miles) north of Putna Monastery. Until the repatriation convention[citation needed] of 15 April 1941, NKVD troops killed hundreds of Romanian peasants of Northern Bukovina as they tried to cross the border into Romania in order to escape from Soviet authorities. This register records births in the Jewish community of Dej and in many of the surrounding villages. A Constituent Assembly on 14/27 October 1918 formed an executive committee, to whom the Austrian governor of the province handed power. They were part of the tribal alliance of the Antes. It would appear that the records were gathered into the civil registration system though it is not clear when. Both headings and entries are in Hungarian. The book is printed and recorded in Hungarian; addenda and entries from the interwar period are sometimes in Romanian. 1775-1867, 1868-1918, 1919-1945, 1946-present, Austrian Empire, Austro-Hungarian Empire, Birth records, Cluj, Death records, Gherla, Interwar Romania, Marriage records, Pre 1775, Transylvania, Turda, Tags: Consideraii preliminare despre demografie i geopolitic pe teritoriul Bucovinei. This book was maintained by the Dej community at least until the interwar period (stamps in Romanian). Take me to the survey . There are also several different sets of birth entries, perhaps representing sporadic updates to the log. The same information is found in both through it is assumed that copy errors were made. This register records births for the Orthodox Jewish community of Cluj. [22], In 1843 the Ruthenian language was recognized, along with the Romanian language, as 'the language of the people and of the Church in Bukovina'.[55]. Name, date, gender, parents, marital status of parents, parent residence, midwife name, circumcision or naming ceremony details and name of witnesses or godparents are provided. [31] Lukjan Kobylytsia, a The only information recorded is the name of the deceased and place and date of death. that the north of Bukovina remained largely, if not wholly, Ukrainian. The Bukovina Society of the Americas is a non-profit corporation registered in the State of Kansas. Spring 1945 saw the formation of transports of Polish repatriates who (voluntarily or by coercion) had decided to leave. During this period it reinforced its ties to other Ukrainian lands, with many Bukovinian natives studying in Lviv and Kyiv, and the Orthodox Bukovinian Church flourishing in the region. The Austrians hindered both Romanian and Ukrainian nationalisms. Father . pope francis indigenous peoples. The burial register has been computerized through 1947, and as of July, 2015, over 21,000 burial records (with pictures of associated tombstones) have been posted on the JewishGen Online Worldwide Burial Registry. During the 19th century, as mentioned, the Austrian Empire policies encouraged the influx of migrants coming from Transylvania, Moldavia, Galicia and the heartland of Austria and Germany, with Germans, Poles, Jews, Hungarians, Romanians, and Ukrainians settling in the region. This book records births that took place in the district and town of Timioara from 1886-1950. Ukrainian Hetman Bohdan Khmelnytsky himself led a campaign in Moldavia, whose result was an alliance between Khmelnytsky and its hospodar Vasile Lupu. There are also a few notes in Yiddish. This register records births for the Jewish community of the village of Apahida (same name in Romanian and Hungarian). Unfortunately, within the archives of Timisoara, there is no birth record book beginning in 1830, so it is not clear to what original book was referred, though some of the later entries can be cross-referenced to the record book catalogued under Timioara-citadel (Timioara-cetate), nr. Tags: 1868-1918, Austro-Hungarian Empire, Bukovina, School records. 92/13. The territory became part of the Ukrainian SSR as Chernivtsi Oblast (province). In some places in southern Bukovina, such as Balkivtsi (Romanian: Blcui), Izvoarele Sucevei, Ulma and Negostina, Ukrainian majority is still reported in Romanian census. [citation needed]. [5] The region was temporarily recovered by Romania as an ally of Nazi Germany after the latter invaded the Soviet Union in 1941, but retaken by the Soviet army in 1944. Entries record the names of the child and parents, often including mother's maiden name; the birth date and place; gender; whether the birth was legitimate; information on circumcisions; midwives; and names of witnesses (to the circumcision or name-giving) or godparents. With their renowned exterior frescoes, these monasteries remain some of the greatest cultural treasures of Romania; some of them are World Heritage Sites, part of the painted churches of northern Moldavia. In Romanian, in literary or poetic contexts, the name ara Fagilor ('the land of beech trees') is sometimes used. Ukrainians are still a recognized minority in Romania, and have one seat reserved in the Romanian Chamber of Deputies. The headings and entries are in Hungarian. The earliest birth entered took place in 1835 and the latest in 1894. It is not clear when the index was created. [1] [2] [3] The region is located on the northern slopes of the central Eastern Carpathians and the adjoining plains, today divided between Romania and Ukraine . Also part of Romania is the monastery of John the New[ro; uk], an Orthodox saint and martyr, who was killed by the Tatars in Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi. This landing page is a guide to Austrian ancestry, family history, and genealogy: birth records, marriage records, death records, census records, family history, etc. Extremely seldom, however, is all data provided. It is not clear how or by whom the register was split: the previous book ends with page 130 and this one begins with page 131 (that sheet of records is split into two books). Only the year (of birth? At the same time, Cernui, the third most populous town in Romania (after Bucharest and Chiinu), which had been a mere county seat for the last 20 years, became again a (regional) capital. 4 (1886-1942). The most frequently mentioned villages are Rzbuneni (Hung: Szinye), Tui (Hung: Tothfalu, Ttfalu), Nima (Hung: Nma), Batin (Hung: Bton), Cremenea (Hung: Kemnye), Bbdiu (Hung: Zprc, Zaprotz), Ocna Dejului (Hung: Dsakna), Chiuieti (Hung: Pecstszeg), Mnstirea (Hung: Szentbenedek, Buneti (Hung: Szplak), Cetan (Hung: Csatny, Csatan, Csotten), Ileanda (Hung: Nagy-Illonda), Urior (Hung: Alr), Ccu (Hung: Kack, Katzko), Glod (Hungarian Sosmez), and Slica (Hung: Szeluske). [13] The Ukrainians won representation at the provincial diet as late as 1890, and fought for equality with the Romanians also in the religious sphere. Petru II moved the seat of Moldova from Siret to Suceava in 1388. All the children born to one family are listed together; the families are numbered. All Birth, Marriage & Death results for Bukovina 1-20 of 3,603 Browse by collection To get better results, add more information such as First Name, Birth Info, Death Info and Location even a guess will help. [35] The reasons stated were that, until its takeover by the Habsburg in 1775, Bukovina was the heart of the Principality of Moldavia, where the gropniele domneti (voivods' burial sites) are located, and dreptul de liber hotrre de sine (right of self-determination). Then, it became part of Moldavia in the 14th century. You can tell the difference because in transcripts each year begins on a new page and in the originals the transition between years occurs on the same page. ); deaths 1861-1873, [District of] Dej (Hung: Ds, Des), Israelites: births 1845-1888; deaths 1886, Cluj (Hung: Kolozsvr), Israelites: births 1892-1897 (Orthodox), [District around] Cluj (Hung: Kolozsvr), Israelites: births 1887-1888; 1900; 1920-1922 (Orthodox), Cluj (Hung: Kolozsvr), Israelites: births 1886-1936 (Neologue), Cluj (Hung: Kolozsvr), Israelites: births 1886-1891 (Orthodox), Cluj (Hung: Kolozsvr), Israelites: births 1885-1927 (Orthodox), Cluj (Hung: Kolozsvr), Israelites: births 1885-1895 (Orthodox), Cluj (Hung: Kolozsvr), Israelites: births, marriages, deaths 1886-1895 (Neologue), Cluj (Hung: Kolozsvr), Israelites: births 1881-1885 (Status Quo Ante), Cluj (Hung: Kolozsvr), Israelites: births 1875-1885 (Orthodox), Cluj (Hung: Kolozsvr), Israelites: births, marriages, deaths 1852-1875, Dej (Hung: Ds); Ccu (Hung: Kack); Maia (Hung: Mnya); Mnstirea (Hung: Szentbenedek); Reteag (Hung: Retteg), Israelites: births, marriages, deaths 1876-1886, Bora (Hung: Kolozsborsa), Israelites: births 1880-1885, Bdeti (Hung: Bdok), Israelites: births 1850-1884, Apahida (Hung: Apahida), Israelites: births 1883-1887, Apahida (Hung: Apahida), Israelites: births 1852-1883, Aghireu (Hung: Egeres), Israelites: births, marriages, deaths 1837-1884, Collection of Parochial Registers of Civil Records, Cluj county, Israelite community, Timioara-Iosefin quarter: alphabetic index of births [sic?] Please see also the entry for the alphabetic index of names corresponding to this book which is catalogued under Timioara-Fabric quarter, nr. The headings and entries are in Hungarian. Please note that the book is catalogued as being from Nadu (Hungarian Kalotandas), but the contents make it apparent that this is an error. The rule of thumb is that volumes are transferred when 75 years has passed since the last year in a volume. Bukovina is a land of Romanian and Ukrainian heritage but of Austrian and Soviet administration. [28] On the other hand, the Ukrainians had to struggle against the Austrians, with the Austrians rejecting both nationalist claims, favoring neither Romanians nor Ukrainians, while attempting to "keep a balance between the various ethnic groups. Austria / sterreich / Autriche Country Codes Google Maps content is not displayed due to your current cookie settings.