Fixed the Saudis attacking Oman multiple times. Fixed the missing Colombia liberator idea name. Fixed Polands decision to join the Belgrade Pact not accounting for a Belgrade Pact that is not led by Serbia. Fengtian's "From Beijing to the Begonia Leaf" national focus can now be taken if Beijing is controlled, and Qing has been capitulated for at least a month (previously Beijing had to be owned). Fixed puppet republic Denmark keeping monarchist national spirits, and vice versa. Changed the traits of Austrian Chiefs of Staff Alfred von Hubicki and Emil Hickmann so that they match their respective national focuses. Fixed Fengtian getting Mantetsu rails, after breaking with Japan. Added leader descriptions to the Italian Republic. Fixed Australasias Prince George disappearing if the United Kingdom is restored. Butler's Coup can no longer fire if he's dead. Fixed the Weltkrieg news events showing the wrong text for the war-starting circumstances. Fixed Germany getting By Blood Alone plane variants without the DLC. Fixed a logic error in a Costa Rica focus. The Commune of France no longer tries Mass Mobilisation against an opponent with twice its population, and instead uses Mass Motorisation. Bet you didnt see this one coming? Fixed Galicia & Lodomeria not being annexed by Russia, despite Austria acceding to Russian demands. Bulgaria can now get a fifth research slot. Romania will now do their path to war national focuses sooner. Fixed the NatPop coup being too common for the Ma Clique. Altered the shape of the Bulgarian/Ottoman border, and the course of the Maritsa river. Changed "Infierno Verde" from Paraguay to Bolivia. Fixed Palawan in the Philippines being a desert. Fixed Indochina keeping a German East Asia template. The Princely federation can now align with Japan provided the latter is in a war with one of its Indian rivals. Hundreds of spelling standardisations and corrections. Hunan now starts with cores in Shihe and Zhenyuan. These can be activated via game rules, though if you are in debug mode then the State Transfer Tool is available by default. Greece no longer included in the Ottoman peace deal with the Cairo Pact if its a subject or part of a faction, Ottomans can only give the Aegean Islands to Greece during their population exchange if they own them, Greece can no longer take co-operation focus with Ottomans if the Ottomans have already taken their population exchange focus. Fixed a duplicate USA portrait being present. Fixed South Africa not swapping its name to Republic. Fixed Austria getting Danubian annexation missions. Fixed NatPop United Baltic Duchy not being able to reintegrate the areas outside of core Germany. You have to start as Yunnan and make them rebel to play their limited content, Irelands doctrine bonuses have now been reassigned to the correct path, If the Germans and Entente fall to invasion, the Ottomans no longer have to pay their debts back to their governments in exile anyway just to be a good sport, Mexico can no longer invade CEN if its a puppet, Patagonias starting focus no longer sets you to War Economy, instead youre given an idea to buff you instead, The Kingdom of Spain and CNT-FAI trees have been nerfed, The Rally the Country event should no longer fire for any country after the British king has been captured, Peace event for Bulgaria to win the Balkan war can now still fire even if Serbia is not capitulated last, and another Belgrade Pact country currently is leader, Fixed a rare instance where the war between Hungary and Austria could be invalidated, leading to an independent Hungary and no resolution to the Ausgleich event chain, Sweden can no longer drag the Reichspakt or the Third Internationale into wars with their faction-joining decisions, If the UK demands return of colonial lands from a puppet, that demand is now forwarded to the puppets overlord instead, The Greek rebel state is now auto-annexed by Greece if the war has been caused to somehow invalidate through outside interference, The LEP should no longer capitulate with Qing while together in a faction, GEA and Mittelafrika now start in the Reichspakt, as the bugs needing them to be out of the faction have since been fixed, Restored the possibility of taking control of puppet forces, with exceptions - puppets of Austria, China or Russia are not controllable, The German Empires Mitteleuropa and Japans Co-Prosperity Sphere now have a unique GUI that shows a list of countries involved and its effects, Focus times on the French, British and German trees have been shortened, Eastern European states have had their trees further restructured, Portrait updates: Emperor Hirohito (JAP), Justas Paleckis (LIT), Ioan Mihail Racovita (ROM), Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej (ROM), Cristian Racovski (ROM), Alexander Vasilevsky (SOV), Garegin Nzhdeh (ARM), Arturo Puga (CHL), Bartolome Blanche (CHL), Jean-Pierre Esteva (NFA), C. Rajagopalachari (MAD), Periyar Ramasavy (MAD), Minoo Misani (DEH), Fazlul Huq (BHC), Pedro III (BRA), Eleazar Lopez Contreras (VEN), Jose Aguero (PRU), Dwight Eisenhower (USA), Joseph Wainwright (USA), Joseph Stillwell (USA), William Leahy (USA), Willis Augustus Lee (USA), John Lesesne DeWitt (USA), Ernest King (USA), Henry Wallace (USA), Daniel Van Voorhis (USA), Walter Krueger (USA), William Halsey Jr. (USA), George Marshall (USA), We have begun the process of slowly replacing all remaining vanilla portraits used by the mod. The Dominion of India now starts with the Viceroy taking up the Head of State slot, rather than George V. The Indochinese Union can now declare war on Vietnam after German East Asia has fallen. Rebalanced some of the Russian economic national spirits, and removed all consumer goods debuffs from their Head of State and minister traits. The war starts when World Tension, which is raised via other wars or events, reaches 75%. Fixed two Bulgarian generals still being available as ministers after theyre purged, Fixed PatAut Brazil being unable to remove negative national spirits, Fixed the Swedish syndicalist flag which was not properly rendering, Updated the Colombian, Montenegrin and Venezuelan flags so they are now using the correct colors, Made some changes to the peace conference code which could cause a crash if too many countries were capitulating at the same time. Fixed puppet Turkey not being able to progress down half of its focus tree. Fixed Zhongchang's decisions being available to Nanjing, plus some optimisation. Gaining cores in China is now based on compliance, with access to a special occupation law. In all other cases theyll immediately declare war instead. Fixed the sound effect of the Toccata event chain playing for all nations in multiplayer. Added Puerto Baquerizo Moreno as a victory point on the Galapagos Islands. Small changes on various parts of South Africas focus tree. Chad no longer rebels with Governor Lapie as the leader. Bulgaria can no longer attack Greece immediately after accepting peace with them. Madras can now peace out with the Entente if it defeats the Dominion of India, similar to how the Bharatiya Commune and Princely Federation can. Slightly adjusted state and province borders in the Caucasus. Fixed Romania committing its units to Serbia during the war with Austria. Fixed the CSA game rule when they joined the Internationale when they were supposed to stay seperate. Added city fall events for Tokyo, Manila, Vladivostok and Dublin. Serbian Yugoslavia is now able to core Silistria, if it is able to core Bulgaria. Only AutDem Russia led by Dmitri Romanov may now form the aristocratic republic. Fixed the borked Patagonian national spirit triggers. Allowed for the Halifax Conference to take place outside of Canada, if Canada has fallen, The UK will now get the same Irish IRA issues as Union of Britain, if it annexes all of Ireland, USA passing the tariff act or reaching a compromise with Canada will now affect AI Canadas chances of supporting the USA in the ACW, Canadas monarchy decisions are no longer allowed if it is a puppet or otherwise not in the Entente, Fixed a bug with Yunnans improved Kunming Arsenal not showing its icon on researched equipment, Added a missing localization entry for an army national idea of Yunnan, Fixed a bunch of decisions for various countries that were not being taken by the AI, even though they otherwise worked, Venice and Lombardy now inherit the Austrian influence idea if it is still held by Italy when it peacefully dissolves after the failed ANI coup. Stopped Ukraine turning syndicalist from causing an early Weltkrieg. Yunnan KMT - decision to attack the Legation cities. Indian minors will not join the Japanese economic sphere unless puppeted. Fixed Sardinias Amadeo not being restored in their annexation event, if Sardinia had previously capitulated. Fixed puppet Russia getting Vladimir on the throne. If Qing supported Nanjing, then Lijen will now join the Left Kuomintang, should it still exist. Fixed Georgia not leaving Mitteleuropa when cancelling the Treaty of Poti. Implemented the vanilla picture for the Regency Council for Poland, for those with the No Step Back DLC. Added the missing cosmetic changes (name/colour) for Lianguang and Hunan when they are puppeted by LKMT. Revised the text for the events involving the relationship between Argentina and Great Britain, with regards to the Falklands. New National Focus icons for Poland, Scandinavia, Sweden, Qing and Uruguay. Fixed Tang going federalist after betraying Chen in Shantou. Fixed the Reichspakt thinking Poland is an enemy. Italian resource decisions are now tied to their respective national foci. Greece being booted from its faction upon taking the Megali focus is no longer automatic - the faction leader is notified by event and may elect to support them or not. The AI will no longer refuse to go to war with each other in the League War. Fixed Liangguangs Second Industrialisation national focus not adding building slots. Mittelafika will now collapse when it reaches -100% Stability, rather than -40%. Added several leader descriptions to the Union of Britain. Fixed the location of several victory points in the Union of Britain, Denmark and Russia. Fixed countries being able to avoid Black Monday, and potentially break their content, by the player not clicking the response button in the Black Monday event. Added Alsace et Lorraine for the French Republic. Netherlands: Willem Drees, Willem Hackstroh, Jacob Harberts, Willem Jan Kruys, Roelof Kranenburg, Gustave Statius-Mueller, Henri Swart, Jan van Andel, Cornelis Lodewijk van der Bilt, Jan van Dulm, Cornelius van Geelkerken, Henri Winkelman, Ottoman Empire: Abdlmecid II, Omer Fahrettin Turkkan, Omer Faruk, Mustafa Fevzi, Nafiz Gurman, Hayrullah Fisek, Mahmud Muhtar, Sokru Okan, Kazim Orbay, Hseyin Rauf, Cahit Toydemir, Persia: Hassan Mirza Qajar, Amanollah Jahanbani, Scotland: Alexander Biggam, Hakewell Smith, Roy Urquhart, South Africa: Jack Hodgson, Jacobus Gideon Nel Strauss, Turkey: Nihal Atsiz, Sefik Husnu, Hikmet Kivilcimli, Adnan Menderes, Fethi Okyar, Ismet Resit, Ulster: Basil Brooke (civilian and general), United Baltic Duchy: Otto Goldfeld, Ernst Gustav Heimert von Nolcken, Harry Lutz, Hans Joachim von Manteuffel Szoege, Constantin von Weiss, United States of America: Alben Barkley, Omar Bradley, Arleigh Burke, Harry F Byrd, Adna Chaffee, Happy Chandler, Malin Craig, James Eastland, Frank Fletcher, John Nance Garner, Edwin Harding, Clarence Huebner, Geoffrey Keyes, Walter Krueger, Lesley McNair, James Murray, John Sparkman, Harold Stassen, Glen Taylor, Strom Thurmond, Harry Truman, Jerauld Wright, Union of Britain: Percy Addison, Fred Copeman, Edward Evans, Katherine Furse, Jack Highton, Max Horton, Arthur Power, Gerald Roope, Frederic Walker, Bernard Warburton, Uruguay: Alfredo Ferrari, Atilio Frigerio, Gabriel Terra, Alfredo Baldomir, Wales: Ambrose Bebb, HR Jones, Lewis Jones, SO Davies, Hubert William Lewis, Lewis Saunders (general). Tweaked the industrial, compliance and weekly stability effects in a few Manchu Qing national spirits. We are out of alpha! Fixed Portugal not being able to progress down its focus tree if Mittelafrika collapses. German East Asia can now be restored by Germany, should the former retake Malaysia. Added Chen Jiliang as an admiral for the Left Kuomintang. Increased the temp unit limit bonus that Saudi / Jabal Shammar get during the war of unification. The American Civil War faction support ideas will now only increase maximum volunteers to the supported country, rather than all countries in the world. Removed the factory output bonus from Bulgarias Wartime Directorates national spirit. Dutch East Indies and Insulindia can no longer white peace with no border changes. Made some tooltips clearer for the League of Eight Provinces. Fixed participants in the American Civil War not getting the decision to core Hawaii. Fixed the naval variant errors in the log. Fixed syndicalist South Africa / Australasia / West Indies Federation retaining Imperial opinion modifiers when socialist. Russia no longer peaces out with Reichspakt/Donauadriabund Poland when Germany collapses. Fixed a South African ruling party trying to create a coalition with itself. - The KR4 Team: Adrianator2, Alpinia, Arvidus, Asratius, Augenis, Blackfalcon501, DSFDarker, Carmain, Chazem, Conor, Flamefang, Gideones, Hildagrim, JazzyHugh, Jonjon428, Jonny BL, Kennedy, Krco, Liegnitz, Maltesefalcon, Matoro, McOmghall, ~mw~, Nijato, NukeGaming, OperationsManagementDecisions, PPsyrius, Pietrus, Rei VL, Retrocognition, Rylock, Shiroe, Starguard, Telcontar101, The Alpha Dog, The Irredentista, Vidyaorszg, Zankoas and Zimbabwe Salt Co.- The KR4 Team: Hey everyone! Added guaranteed building slots to two of Fengtians factory-building decisions. Added many military Operation names for countries, a mix of vanillas list of names and original Kaiserreich names. Leader descriptions for all Brazilian leaders. Fixed Canadas Loyalist Divisions in Britain not being disbanded on the formation of a restored UK. Fixed the Mutasarrifate of Jerusalem completing a national focus after being annexed. Fixed some incorrect tooltips on Ottoman national focuses, depending on the incumbent government. The American Civil War's Legation Marines event no longer fires if the Legation Cities have collapsed. Fixed Serbia losing the Fourth Balkan War if they happened not to call in their allies. Clarified the visibility triggers for Polands Found the Intermarium decision, making it more clear that Poland must be at peace. New Armenia, Dutch East Indies, Insulindia, Japan, Persia icons. Swedens Industrial Sabotage national spirit it receives from Norway is now timed. Fengtian advisors no longer boost their factions popularity, if they have lost power. Fixed Romanian national foci appearing to affect The Great Game when it has already finished. Fixed missing Danish endonym for Hamburg. Tweaked the effects of some White Ruthenian national spirits, to increase army experience gain and to account for socialist Russia. Edited the Dominican Republic map colour. Slightly decreased the Pacific States starting unit count. Revamped the Spartakiade - it is now the International Workers Olympiad. Fixed Greece's Empower the Throne national focus instantly uncompleting itself. The United Kingdom can now receive the Basra oil concession from Canada, should it exist. South Africa now only declares war on Kenya if it isn't led by the British. Improved the performance of the Exile decisions. Added The Army Goes Rolling Along for the United States, Pacific States and New England. The IEDC leader only has to worry about investment decisions, and membership happiness is no longer tracked. Removed Augustine Warner Robbins from the PSA roster. Fixed Qing integrating allies instantly, and removed a duplicated decision. Peru will now get a core on Putumayo, if it has a claim on them when they take it in the peace conference. Added Fu Shuangying as a general for Fengtian, and a puppet PatAut and NatPop leader for Manchuria. Added news events for the Fall of Tsaritsyn and Yekaterinburg. Wells, Dalton Trumbo, Westbrook Pegler, Earl Browder, Nerfed volunteer size ideas across the mod. Added Mountaineers to Argentinas starting tech. Fixed some bugs in PatAut Norway demanding territory. Fixed the Totalist Wallonia national spirit swaps. Fixed PSA not being able to reunite with New England if both joined the Entente. Tweaked the effect of the Austro-Hungarian Ties Broken national spirit. Fixed Fengtian's advisors not affecting the Divided Governance national spirit. Added the former Timur Beg stand-in leader picture as a generic. After the Lucknow conference, British generals in India will leave to the United Kingdom if it exists, and Canada if it doesn't. Argentine army tree now provides an armoured template and a free light tank variant. Added a news event for the 1936 Dublin Olympics. Fixed the Shanxi Neutrality national spirit, as it is now removed upon entering faction or war. Albania will now leave Austrias faction should Wilhelm zu Wied be assassinated. Fixed a couple of broken references to Irish states in the Union of Britain's events. Germany now places troops on the border of members of the Internationale to their west, even if they're not yet at war. Fixed Subhani Arabia restoring the Rashidi cosmetic tag. The Christmas and Cocos Islands are now cores of Australasia. If the United Kingdom tries to demand Northern Ireland from Ireland, and Ireland is in a faction, but a reunited America is in the Entente, then the UK may try and pressure Irelands faction leader into getting Ireland to submit. Added several Qing decisions allowing a withdrawal to Wuhan, including victory points, fortifications, and a maximum of six factories. Fixed coastal defence and panzerschiff cruisers types - now they are correctly defined as capital ships. Added unique traits to the Polish leaders Jerzy Czeszejko-Sochacki, Leah Feldman, Eustachy Sapieha, Kazimierz Zakrzewski and Zygmunt Zaremba. War stability factor has been change to now be at -30%. The Entente's news events no longer fire if world news are disabled. Improved the naval invasion AI for the participants of the American Civil War. Fixed Fengtians Mantetsu state modifiers not being properly removed when the states change owners. Fixed puppet Italian Republic or Socialist Italy not having claims on the rest of Italy. Increased the stability debuff from Canadas Anglo-French Tensions national spirit. Rebalanced the Ma Cliques focus trees for Ma Lin and Ma Bufang to be more competitive with each other. Fixed Bulgaria not getting the National Catastrophe, if annexed during the Fourth Balkan War. Changed some national focuses which previously gave a wargoal, to now immediately declare war. New Englands special forces path now unlocks both sub-branches of the special forces technology. I may be wrong for some of them, but here's what I think they are based on memory: authoritarian_democrat, social_conservative, market_liberal, social_liberal, social_democrat, radical_socialist, syndicalist, totalist, national_populist, paternal_autocrat. Its time for Beta 0.12! Fixed Shandong loan and Shandong Balance decisions missing AI factors. Fixed Sweden constantly taking and repaying loans. Added descriptions to other equipment for Somalia. Fixed Liberia not getting paired impassable states when peacing out with the French Republic. Fixed decentralist Ottomans getting a centralist decision. Improved the Serbian AI at handling the assassination event chain/decisions. Portugal now starts with claims on its colonies. Changed two United Kingdom decisions into automatic effects. Added some sanity checks to Persian army national focuses. Improved AI handling of Swedish Black Monday decisions. Cleaned up the Peruvian code a good deal. Fixed Siam getting negative consumer goods from welfare. Removed Transylvanian resistance from Serbian-controlled West Banat. Fixed the United Baltic Duchy being able to recruit the land marshal manually. Tweaked the Greece Civil War, so it is less of a slog for the AI. Renamed Frances Barn state to Labourd, and tweaked its borders. Fixed Haiti not getting the civil war national spirit, in the Lescot route. A new state category with 11 slots has been added - Sprawling Metropolis. Fixed several bugs in the Belgian and Portuguese game rules. Fixed RadSoc Greece using the wrong flag. Yemen is no longer referenced in an event about Russia in Saudi Arabia. Streamlined the German The Oil Must Flow section of their national focus tree, allowing Germany to ally with Azerbaijan and/or Georgia, pre-war. Greece is now temporarily removed from its faction during its civil war. If the strikes cancel Canadas decision to attack the CSA, half of Canadas PP is refunded. Tweaked Argentinian officers military traits. Fixed Fate of India decision so its available even if Madras still exists. Added sanity checks to both, Canberra from 1980s no longer ISOT itself back to 1930s KRTL, Canadian voice-overs now use General American English instead of Received Pronunciation, since the influx of British refugees alone wont magically change how they pronounce words that quick, Fixed an oversight that allow Siamese players to spam stability using the name change decisions, Name fixes for many Chinese ministers, Ma Clique finally got their Chief of Army (failed to appear from an oversight in the minister converter). Fixed Chen Jiongmings missing officer portrait. Merged the three revolts against NatPop Brazil into one larger one. Yan Xishan and Wu Peifu can now sign a non-aggression pact, putting Shanxi in the Zhili sphere. Fengtian breaks with Japan after the Fading Sun peace deal has been made. Fixed the AI factors for Persia claiming Iraq. Removed the Tuareg and Quechua tags. The Faroe Islands are transferred to the United Kingdom from Canada, should Canada control them at the time of the reformation of the United Kingdom. Kaiserreich has a lot of content, and while weve done testing its more than possible there are special situations we havent yet noticed, or old content (like units being spawned) which never took into account the possibility of a division limit and which havent yet been adjusted. - The KR4 Team: Adrianator2, Alpinia, Arvidus, Augenis, Blackfalcon501, DSFDarker, Carmain, Chazem, Conor, Dr. Njitram, Ddago, Drozdovite, Eragaxshim, Flamefang, Fort, Gideones, JazzyHugh, Jeankedezeehond, Jonjon428, Jonny BL, Krco, Liegnitz, Maltesefalcon, Matoro, Nijato, NukeGaming, OperationsManagementDecisions, PPsyrius, Pietrus, Rei VL, Rylock, SPQR, Starguard, Telcontar101, The Alpha Dog, The Irredentista, Vidyaorszg, WordZero, Yard1, Zankoas and Zimbabwe Salt Co. What a year its been, hey? Ukraine's leftists can no longer collectivise after being purged. The Left Kuomintang now gets a claim on Tawang in the Renounce the McMahon Lines national focus, if they already own the state itself. Fixed Two Sicilies Pietro Ago having the vanilla Bearer of Artillery trait. Finally, we have broken a lot of the models off from the main mod and into submods. Fixed the Ottomans declaring on Bulgaria for Thrace, even if the game rule was set otherwise. Fixed the Japanese Treaty Territories not being annexed. Fixed a Norway national spirit giving the wrong type of ideological drift. Turkey now gets their version of Ottomans design company. Fixed the Legation Cities vote timer insta-cancelling. Fixed the former Entente member flag not being cleared in the rare instance where the Entente collapses more than once. Renames for North America and Pacific region now all work correctly. For Sardinia, the focus for declaring Sardinia-Piedmont now moves the capital to Turin. Austria now starts the game with its faction already formed. The United Baltic Duchys AI will now deal with its politics more actively. Improved the supply availability on the Fengtian / Qing border. Fixed the Ottoman Empire's enemies remaining at war with an unreachable Azerbaijan after the fall of the Ottomans. Roy, Mohan Singh, Montagu Stepford, Pran Nath Thapar, Prem Sahgal, Ram Dass Katari, Rash Behari Bose, Sardar Patel, Shah Nawaz Khan, Subayya Thimayya, Syed Ahmed El Edroos, Walter Lentaigne, William Slim, Mongolia: 7th Changkya Khutukhtu, Altanochir, Anandyn Amar, Boris Rezukhin, Dansranbilegiin Dogsom, Davizavyn Losol, Demchugdongrub, Jamsrangiin Tseveen, Jodbajab, Khatanbaatar Magsarjav, Khorloogiin Choibalsan, Manlaibaatar Damdinsren, Mikhail Tornovsky, Nikolay Kazagrandi, lziin Badrakh, nenbayan, Z. Lhagvasuren, Nicaragua: Augusto Csar Sandino, Juan Bautista Sacasa, Norway: Axel Stang, Henrik Rogstad, Jacob Hvinden Haug, Karl Marthinsen, Oliver Moystad, Persia: Ahmad Akghar, Ahmad Amir-Ahmadi, Fazlollah Zahedi, Gholamali Bayandor, Mahmud Aqa Ansari, Morteza Yazdanpanah, Reza Khan, Sayyed Hasan Taqizadeh, Poland: Konstanty Rokossowski, Wladyslaw Anders, Scotland: Hugh McDiarmid, John MacCormick, William Gallacher, Tibet: 14th Dalai Lama, Changra, Chao Kung, Dingja, Mndro, Ngapoi Ngawang Jigme, Nicholas Roerich, United States: Allen Dulles, Courtney Hicks Hodges, David M. Shoup, George S. Patton, George Windle Read Jr., Joseph Martin Jr., Malin Craig, William Halsey Jr., William Harriman, William Leahy, Uruguay: Csar Batlle Pacheco, Emilio Frugoni, Juan de Amezaga, Martn Echegoyen, scar Diego Gestido, Paulina Luisi, Xinjiang: Ma Shaowu, Sheng Shicai, Yang Zengxin, Els Segadors for Catalonia and Republican Spain, Fliegergeschwader Hindenburg for Germany, Wenn Ich Urlaub hab and Schwer mit den Schtzen des Orients beladen for German East Asia, Dinarka, Poles Bola I Ponosa, Idila, Istarska Suita and Laka Konjica for Illyria, Kansenkinmu and Teki wa iku Yorozu for Japan, 1831 Warszawianka and Marsz, Marsz Polonia for Poland, El Quinto Regimiento for Republican Spain, Fare Ye Well, Inniskilling and Killaloe March for Ulster, Improved some track names on the Spanish and Portuguese song lists, The Internationale in Irish (recorded for Kaiserreich), Superannuated Terrain map has been updated to modern standards, Redrew states in Austria Proper and fixed VP placement, Added a new state for Germany - Prussian Saxony, Greatly reduced the passable area in Greenland, Reformed Varanger Peninsula, Finnmark Plateau and north-eastern part of Nordland into new, Merged Southern Schleswig and Holstein into one state, Danish Belts have been moved to correct location to no longer allow Danes absolute control over Skagerrak and southern Norwegian coast, Removed the Guantanamo Bay state (replaced with a state modifier), Overhauled Germanys building slot distribution, Reworked the states in Northern Scandinavia to better fit the countries claims.
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